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A Proud Arab

Poor is my country-maybe
Lacks technology! Could be
But I've identity

I'm not a boor "barbarian"
"nor a mad man in the sand"
but rather a wounded human.

I've always fought for freedom
though seldom I have it
I shall yet fight for it .

I'll fight against tyranny
and the meanest poverty
and I'll eventually win

One day the world shall know
the greenest Spring ever grown
in the Arab world.

Inspired by Stan's Spring?

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Last few words: 
I am sorry for the bad idea that the Western World has about the Arab and the Arab world I think the media is playing the worst role to defame it.
Editing stage: 


a great write rula

one small thing

‘but rather a wounded Man’
might read better as ‘human’ instead of ‘man’
it just make it more ‘all’ so to speak, and reminds the reader we are all of one species
- more so as you have used ‘man in the previous line…

well said
love judy

'Each for the joy of the working, and each, in his separate star,
shall draw the Thing as he sees It, for the God of Things as They are.'
(Rudyard Kipling)

Many thanks for your support and the suggestion.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

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author comment

"mad man" the old colonialism of the crown
where men did all the over lording
not that long ago... a hundred years and some

and most "crimes" of horrific nature were and still
are committed by men by the vast majority although
women are getting equal here..But even the jetliner
crash of September was done by men

the wounded human line was great
as it speaks to the empathy response from most

it is nice to read poetry coming from a man or womans
viewpoint.. I used to read many books about men
written by women and they captured the comraderie
well the fears and nuances

the old class system
the ruling elite have the money
and the poor can eat grass

Thank You

Thank you Esker. Being the first time for you to drop a comment on mine means a lot. always a pleasure to hear your thoughts.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

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author comment

Believe it or not most in the west realize that most Arabs would prefer peace to conflict. But the so-called Arab spring has been hijacked by extremists just as happened in Iran. We Are confounded by the silence with which moderate Arabs greet the atrocities commited by fanatics though. To the poem........The line "though I have it almost seldom" needs a bit of work. Maybe drop almost or say though I seldom have it.
best wishes ...............stan

I belive no one prefers war to peace even the extremists. May be as you say the so called Arab Spring has been hijacked by extremists but believe me there is no alternative to overthrow the rotten thrones . Unfortunately every change needs some kind of sacrifice but the sacrifice this time was great .. It was our Men too and our children . Believe me that we die daily when we watch the news and we wish death to what we see. However , though it is bad because of all the destruction and the lost of the humans yet it is

Thanks for inspiring though . I have edited that line and quoted your own words for honesty sake .


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

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author comment

There are barbarians here as welll as there. Indeed they are pretty much world wide . Timothy McVeigh was a barbarian. Bin Laden was a barbarian as was Pol Pot. It is such as these madmen that my poem was directed at, not moderate Arabs who I think like us would by far prefer peace. One thing which Does perplex me is the lack of condemnation from Muslim clerics over the attacks by the radicals..............stan PS wouldn't it be great if the leaders could converse as calmly as we 2 insignificant poets? lol

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