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Such a Short Space of Time
I love, not just those
I knew back then,
But those
Who were young
Back then,
But who’ve since
Come to grief, who,
Having soared so high,
Found the
Consequent descent
Too dreadful to bear,
With my youth itself,
Which was only
No, even less time,
A mere moment ago,
How could
Such a short space
Of time
Cause such devastation?
Style / type:
Free verse
Review Request (Intensity):
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Last few words:
'Such a Short Space of Time' was based on some kind of confessional piece of writing I briefly worked on sometime in the mid 1990s, but which was never truly realised. It was partly inspired, as I remember it, by playing 10cc’s 'How Dare You', among other vinyl records, on my parents’ stereo twin record and cassette player while they were away on vacation in France, and so hearing them for the first time in what at the time seemed like an eternity.
Editing stage:
Content level:
Not Explicit Content
(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.
Carl Halling
Sat, 2020-10-10 07:25
I love...
...the way you respond to my verses, Teddy, you are unique in that, and you give me hope that I am doing something right with them. yes, I do regret, but as you say, were it not for that fact, I might not be writing verse at all, at least verse of any worth. Carl.