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My Past in Peace
One day, I’d like to go
In search of my past,
Of the memories
Of a misspent youth;
I cry for my souvenirs,
I dream of a beautiful future,
Where I can atone
For all my follies,
And contemplate my past
In peace at long last.
Style / type:
Free verse
Review Request (Intensity):
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Last few words:
'My Past in Peace' constitutes the French to English translation of a song’s mournful middle 8, the song itself having been recorded in 2012 or '13 as part of a series of songs, several being either in French, or having French sections of varying length.
Editing stage:
Content level:
Not Explicit Content
(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.
Carl Halling
Sat, 2020-10-10 14:37
Yes, we do...
We all deserve some solace, it remains to be seen whether I shall find it though, indeed whether any of us do, I am so pleased you like this so much, Teddy, I have said it before, I love your comments, so encouraging, it's good to know I am inspiring you, that means more than words can say. Carl.