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Rescue Me

Oh heart, rescue me.
Let your beat
Be the rhythm of life.

And when I speak,
Let not cold currents,
deceit, reign supreme.

But let me remember
There is something more
Than left, right, middle.

Something more beautiful
Than what I might scheme,
Or plan

Oh heart please
give me your warmth
Return it onto my life

Editing stage: 


this poem is unique because every stanza is almost a stand alone poem and they are so nicely interwoven with poise and elegance ...pretty exquisite stuff...a pleasure read is this heartcall...

raj (sublime_ocean)

thank you, it is a reaction to the physical/mechanical trend of the west.


The most powerful reaction
of mind on mind
is transference of sight

author comment

for helping me read the physical/mechanical do you mean material lacking a spiritual touch?

raj (sublime_ocean)

an adorable call/prayer. I thought this is all that we need when our hearts go phlegmatic in this life .
If only we can do a reset and have a new start
Thank you for sharing this halcyon prayer.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram

may your heart always be pure.


The most powerful reaction
of mind on mind
is transference of sight

author comment

It is a great poem, that sounds like a prayer.


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