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She Loves

She is so complicated:
Tying the Gordian knot
Suiting the charlatan trot

Closing the door, and even more,
Tying the hand, changing the stand,
Reading the future of her man.

But she loves
And gives the best thereof.

So beautifully simple is she.

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I have some thoughts regarding this light piece if I may.
Please bear with me if I am off the track
This lady as I understand is a bit complicated and not an easy going one until she becomes a lover.

I thought the last line should end with a question mark as a rhetorical question unless I'm not getting it right.

Other than that I especially like

Tying the Gordian knot
Suiting the charlatan trot
As I am introduced to the "Gordian knot" and "charlatan trot" for the first time I very much appreciate it.
Thank you so much for sharing.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

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"This lady as I understand is a bit complicated and not an easy going one" this part is right, but one day her lover realized she was driven by an unselfish love to see him better.



The most powerful reaction
of mind on mind
is transference of sight

author comment

I liked this piece, especially with its reference to the Gordian knot which is according to my understanding from the era of Alexander the Great whose success in conquest was, among other things attributed to a stone which he carried on his person.
One day he was bathing, according to things I have read he left it lying on a rock and a serpent devoured it and escaped. The stone allegedly gave him the power to know past, present and future. A nice piece, the woman that you described seemed a lot like my former spouse.

All of God's children singing, holding hands in the rain!

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