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Letter to my love

Things are beginning to get better now;
the sloth had been my pet deer,
and a crumbling of faith, my friend.

I know you tried to show me
the power of the mind, how mind
determines the world for you,
because through mind, you see.

I am reminded of Einstein’s words,
you can’t see within the cause,
and all truths are but theories
gleaned from observing the effects.

And your mind told me of eternals!
of values, higher than life. of things
beyond the physical grasp.

I still live the day, your head laid gently
in my arms, as I watched the last gleam
of light go from your eyes, knowing a last
wish was being fulfilled, that my face be
the last thing you see in this world..

I have tried to hold on to your truth,
but you know, I was never so strong
my body always weighed heavily
on the freedom of spirit,

The world has taken on a physical
course, and my body succumbed to it.
I drifted in a virtual world, with gifts
of the quantum surrounding me.

But today, I feel your light, and look up
to heaven, for if heaven is there
it is where you will be.

I know you are now here, I know
you watch over me. And again I feel
a strength, a belief in your world.

Gravity, I would shed from me,
and rise like a massless particle
to that oneness you have shown.

I remember how you would say,
JR is an equal being in your eye;
and I would say, he’s only a cat.
Strange, the turns of your mind.

And yes, JR’s bones still rest,
next to your ashes.

And I have made arrangements
to fulfill your last wish
my ashes will be mixed with yours
and we thrown to sea.

Editing stage: 


a pretty sensitive letter [epistle] to someone closest to the heart feels like the heart is communicating with a departed soul..use of the word JR apparently adds to the secrets the two have shared...i am sure you will notice some spellos which you will correct during the edits and polishing this fine epistle...i liked the used of physics blended with that context would ask you if it would be good to replace "box" with "cause" in L2S3 so that it connects with "effect" in the last line ..unless ofcourse you are quoting Eisntein ad verbatim..i will keep a watchful eye on this to see what you come up with in the polished draft..

raj (sublime_ocean)

Thanks raj,
You have seen the poem clearly; and I followed your suggestion of changing box. JR was the family cat; a black Siamese whose siamese pattern could only be seen when looking at a angle, when the sun shined on his hair.


The most powerful reaction
of mind on mind
is transference of sight

author comment

Beautiful letter,
intense content.
Small thing, "massless light" sounds redundant.
The ending is rewarding.


Hi IRiz

thanks for the comment. I have changed light for particle.
thanks again.


The most powerful reaction
of mind on mind
is transference of sight

author comment

My pleasure!!!


I really like how science is so smoothly blended in your poetic epistle.
I know you're going to proofread this as it's only a rough draft.
Much appreciation and best wishes


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

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Hi dear Rula

I am happy to read your comment. I am a bit stuck on how to precede; if you have any thoughts let me know.


The most powerful reaction
of mind on mind
is transference of sight

author comment
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