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World C[o]up:

Only sport that can boast global acclaim
Played by a lot and watched by nearly all
It is widely hailed “The Beautiful Game”
Soccer to some, to many it’s Football

Unlike real world, all follow set of rules
All players face penalties for their fouls
Grouped teams playing in a set of schedules
Faces bearing smiles or clouded by scowls

Argentines playing as united team
Orderly except maverick Messi
Advancing in phases as per drill scheme
Explosive goal making sublime easy

Former champions are not in the fray
Current contenders will play out their themes
Absent states will compete another day
As leading teams pursue their World Cup dreams

Style / type: 
Structured: Western
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 


A timing write. Good play with words in the title.
I was thinking of the theme last night but nothing poped up. I feel sad to see how busy we are watching the games while Russians (who host the games themselves) are hailing our brothers in Syria with bombs to burn the man and the land in no time.
Thanks for sharing.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

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Thanks for your positive feedback - appreciate your comments.

One point about Russia - they came at the invitation of the Syrian government and are doing the bidding of the Syrian government. Many other nations in many other places are bombing, invading and massacring without the permission of the host nations and certainly harming the well-being of people of those nations and territories. Having said that, all war is wrong and the natives of every region should be allowed to choose their leaders and their destinies without outside intervention.

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