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Venezia (a travel experience)


Past midnight in a cheap hotel room.
Some night owl plays the mandolin;
endless stops and starts of elevator,
two drunks return late from the bar.

Where is my restful sans souci,
the grotto that gleams in sapphire’s
royal blue as I attempt to submerge
myself in Capri dreams?

I close my eyes, imagine stars above
Heaven’s girth and listen to Puccini’s aria
“Nessum Dorma,” ‘Tonight no one must sleep,”
to drown out the elevators’ humming.

I try to ignore the pounding of a neighbor’s
headboard against the wall that divides us.
Finally, his door opens and shuts--
I hear the giggling of la puttana as she leaves.
Then, sleep’s trance. In the morn, Capri.

Style / type: 
Free verse
Review Request (Direction): 
How was my language use?
Last few words: 
a travel episode that convinced me to avoid "cheap" accommodations.
Editing stage: 


Was that a misspelling of "sushi"?
I liked the poem. The imagery was clear. Hard to sleep. So many interruptions.
At long last things quiet down and I sleep.
Don't change a thing.

W. H. Snow

A poet is a nightingale, who sits in darkness and sings to cheer its own solitude with sweet sounds. Percy Bysshe Shelley

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lol, no sushi, lol. It's an adjective, French. It means "a place without worry; carefree." Wesley, thank you for reading and the generous comment.

author comment

We have a restaurant/bar by that name in the next little township. I remember my father slipping in there to have a drink in the middle of the day and I sat in one of the plush booths with a soda and some peanuts while he imbibed and hob-nobbed a bit. Anyhow, I enjoyed this nice little vignette.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

Most likely spelled Sansouci, like the palace in Potsdam I'd seen several years ago. Your restaurant/bar sounds nice, relaxing and peaceful. Appreciate your comment.

author comment

might have been a painful night for the author.
I didn't get the "Capri dreams" thing though due to my ignorance :(

It really fascinates me whenever I read someone writing his/her memories. This one sounds so fresh in the author's mind. May I ask how old it is? If you don't mind


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

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this is one of my several European travel sketches. I have visited Italy, Austria, Germany, Denmark and Holland about two years ago. Actually, on two separate occasions, years apart. Each of these countries are delightful. Even though the hotel in Venice fell somewhat short of my expectation, two days later I enjoyed Capri's Grotta Azzura (Blue Grotto), a cave that you enter by rowboat. Once inside one can only marvel at the brilliant blue light in the water. I also I enjoyed the Rhine Cruise. Venice smells and is too touristy for me. Advanced age prohibits a repeat of my travels, but I have enough memories to draw from. Thanks for reading.

author comment

Enjoyed this holiday snapshot.
I know Venice quite well, used to go to buy art from there.
It's always busy, but not always overcrowded, depends when you go. The high summer months probably best avoided, that's when it can get a bit whiffy.
Not been to Capri though, it's on my list.

Remember we are a workshop site.
Don't forget to offer critique on poems you read.

reading your comment is a pleasure. You are correct about those sweltering summers; I experienced the tail end of one, and I'm used to heat, but the humidity was oppressive and then the "odore!" lol. Everything empties into the canals . . . . "I want to go home," said the wife on our second day in Venezia. However, Capri is wonderful. Thanks, Jane!

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I am lucky if I get to go see Wonder Woman. Please appreciate your opportunities. If only that I may live vicariously through them. I hope to one day to see Sea World again. The closest I get to traveling to other countries is Disneyland.

W. H. Snow

A poet is a nightingale, who sits in darkness and sings to cheer its own solitude with sweet sounds. Percy Bysshe Shelley

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The NeoPoet Mentor Program

born under a lucky star, yes I had my share of luck. Of course, not to forget, the sale of property added to all of this, lol. But lucky to be alive and living in peace and harmony should be counted as the luckiest strike of all. To see wonder woman would be my next goal as well...what am I saying? She already lives with me, lol. Thanks, Wesley.

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