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Alone to Think

Alone to Think

I shall have to walk in glades of green

Or walk into my dark room there unseen

How could I ask which one to choose?

The greens have it I cannot lose.

The softness under foot, peaceful touches

Where walking is a silent treasure to me.

The birds sing forth, though there’s only three

Say what you want from little ole me.

I am here in this my sanctuary

Where my mind is brushed with perfumes

A felt tipped leaf touches my soul

As deeper in the forest I go

You cannot find me here as I blend unseen

No! don’t call me a chameleon

They hiss when others draw near

I am quiet here my mind is clear

The peace folds each moss covered bow

Nothing happens here some how

Would you dare to enter in

Best place to be, you cannot find me

I would ask you to walk and quiet be

Tranquillity is being alone, don’t you see

So when I return and you’re feeling low

Just ask me where, and when to go.

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Review Request (Direction): 
How was my language use?
How does this theme appeal to you?
How was the beginning/ending of the poem?
Last few words: 
An oldie from the record department while I am away.
Editing stage: 


I have always enjoyed your poems.This one is no different. Love the way you share your world with us. A question though, I notice all the stanza 3's ending words didn't rhyme. Is that being done deliberately?

I am here in this my sanctuary

Where my mind is brushed with perfumes

A felt tipped leaf touches my soul

As deeper in the forest I go



Knowledge is a gift, health is wealth....

4am and I'm wondering when and where ? You would find me there...wonderful poem, only I too wondered at the end rhymes was it deliberate ? It did change the flow and pace but not in a bad way for me...


Much love always JC xxx

“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” — W.B. Yeats

This poem has such a soft feel to it and while I walked through the verses you took me in a tranquil state... such is the magic of your word usage and poetic skill...thanks for posting and the experience..


raj (sublime_ocean)

I think
you alone can think
what you want to think
how can my presence or absence
help Ian
do tell me
do think
all by yourself


the lines
The birds sing forth, though there’s only three [why say that? It feels gratuitous, like it's just for the rhyme]

The peace folds each moss covered bow [I stumbled on the reading 3 times before I realised you meant "bough"]

I would remove the extra spaces between lines.

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

for some moments, don't we?
Loved the theme and how you composed it.

the line
"I am here in this my sanctuary"
I think you need to remove either "this" or "my"

Thanks for sharing.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

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