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August 2024 Contest Winners

The Winner of the Peace Versus War is Lavender  with the following poem

To Those Who Walked, Peace Versus War


I hope you have a quiet day,
a kissing breeze,
sweet hours at ease
planting flowers, if you please,
and nothing there to rip it all away.
I hope you have that day.

I pray you have a gentle night,
under stars so deep
they soothe and keep
your soft breath flowing as you sleep
beneath the crescent moon and her earthlight.
I pray you have that night.

And may your memories be amended
to blissful skies and green earth, so splendid
that they embrace you when you close your eyes.
May this be the rich life you come to realize.

To those who walked through the blood of yesternight,
I hope for you this day. I pray for you this night.


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The Winner of the 08/24 Too Good to be True  is Punkyfrewster with the following poem

Too Good to be True


In my mind, it was bliss
day in and day out
until the day it ended.

In the rearview mirror,
I saw signs:
far-off gazes to nowhere
as we ate dinner
and stalled conversations
about your day.

All the bliss aside,
our love was just
too good to be true.


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The Winner of the 08/24 I Lost The Instructions is Candlewitch   with the following poem


I Lost The Instructions (to being a woman)


I Lost The Instructions
(to being a woman)

You beat "Her" out of me
leaving my soul tattered.
In the beginning you were kind
warm and jovial, it mattered.

Gradually you began to change
taking me away from all I knew,
from Minnesota to the east coast
an easy ride we drove straight through.

I discovered your evil temper
on our trip, it left me in fear,
knocking me down, kicking me
you bellowed, shouting, making it clear.

You were the boss, and me your slave
seeing the cruel glint in your eye
was an omen of what was soon to come
you would test me in ways to make me cry...

Each new day was a promise of terror
you invented head-games to play.
In fear, I trembled trying to hide
tried not to anticipate the rue of the day.

nights were bad too, I cowered under covers
You brutalized me sexually to hear me scream
threatening to blow my head off my shoulders
losing connection with my idea of a woman's dream!


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The Winner of the 08/24 Broken Air Condition is Kristen H. with the following poem

Broken Air Condition


We never had much more than each other
in the summer of 2016

Adventures on Saturday nights
Two wheels
Two helmets
Two hearts

Lazy Sunday mornings
Two cups of coffee
Two cigarettes burned
Two hands together

There wasn’t much to it
Just you and I,
and our broken air conditioner

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The Winner of the 08/24 Beach Day is  paleoray with the following poem


Shore Watch


Splashing, crashing sound the waves
On the surf and then retrieve;
As the foam spreads on the sand,
While the pipers dash and weave.

High above the seagulls glide,
Circling 'round a sea of teal;
Others swooping close to pier,
Looking for an easy meal.

In the distance dolphins dive,
With their synchronizing breaks;
Dorsal fins shine at each peak,
Then they submerge in their wakes.

Sand crabs scurry back and forth,
Seeking food along the shore;
After catching fish with claws,
Quick they vanish as they bore.

Soon the sun sets in the west,
As the moon brings mirrored light;
Ocean tides smooth out the sand,
While the waves gleam through the night.


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The Winner of the Neopoet Weekly 08/25/24 to 08/31/24 is Twizzle48 with the following poem




Do you hear winter, I hear it coming
That distant growl, there in the wind
Stronger now, than an autumn breeze
With the merest hint of an early freeze
And with no sweet taste like tamarind
But a biting cold that can be numbing

For some, it is a season for celebration
But its hidden scowl suggests otherwise
Hearing threats under its frozen breath
Of ice and snow, laying so still in death
Pretty snowflakes offering cute disguise
As so much of Nature is in hibernation

At least this is true in Northern climes
Just bleak with not much give and take
And still, some try to understand why
As the end of the calendar year is nigh
But there is hope following in its wake
Anticipating the Spring’s warmer times

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Neopoet Weekly 08/18/24 to 08/24/24 Winner!

This Week’s Winner is  Sen99


Venus Tree

Standing here for decades
On one wooden leg
A native English species,
An old grey oak.
Its naked bark bleached,
Ashen white like alabaster.

A nameless uncarved block
Unyielding and proud,
Exposed to the elements.
Wind and weather beaten
An organic body of life
Its beauty gaunt and raw.

Striking to an admirer’s eye,
Picture perfect from a distance
A resilient stone sculpture,
Its arms cut down to stumps.

Like some replica of a classical statue
From some ancient age,
Nature’s beauty,
A timeless art.





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Autumn Arrival Image Prompt Contest

Try out our newest image prompt contest

Autumn Arrival Image Prompt Contest

Best of luck to all that enter 

New server

Thank you for your patience the last few days. We experienced issues with our old server, and decided to make the switch to cloud computing, which will offer more performance and stability. We've now completed the transfer. If you experience any issues, please let us know right away so we can address them. To contact us, please navigate to and select "technical issue".

Neopoet Weekly 08/11/24 to 08/17/24

This Week’s Winner is Tigger Kaz

Count and Share your Blessings

The pace of life seems crazy,
In who it leaves behind.
Yet the greed of the wealthy,
Means too many do not mind.

A cavernous void, for the supposed lazy,
With few hands to lift them out.
When alright jacks have plenty,
Caring little for those with nought.

Empathy lacking, apethetic souls,
Blinded by selfish greed,
Have lost the ability,
To share with those in need

Narratives of competition,
Knocked their kindness away.
Changed their life's direction,
And led them all astray

Be not like these unkindly people,
Proffer a hand to help the poor.
For tomorrow is not yet come,
And you don't know what's in store.

Life changes on a hairpin,
your luck could turn around.
Fame and fortune today,
Tomorrow could run you aground.

Feel grateful for your blessings,
Leave jealousy at the door,
Share good fortune with each other,
And stop perpetually wanting more.


To leave an additional comment on the contest page click here

The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Jerry, In Memory

You were mean as home made sin
Whipped my ass time and again
Then you'd tell mama a lie

The Aunt Jenny Hammond's place
Tollie's peg leg made my heart race
Jumped out the back door to land on a jar

Split my foot from heel to toe
Dad rendered you a hell of a blow
And I still have the scar

Taught me to swim in the old creek
Threw me in, laughed till you were weak
Back in the woods by the old sand bar

Love Is Music

Love Is Music

Love shouldn’t be shown
But seen
Everyone who’s in love
Knows what it means

The silence
The simplicity
Warmth of a palm,
A quiet caress,
A sweet smile
Upon the harp
of a loving heart
Can place a song
Worth a million
As the sweetest sounds are heard
In reverberation
Does it appear?
Like the loveliest tune
Abide With Me!
How wondrous


I was at a baseball game
one distant summer afternoon
with no idea who to blame
for what would happen soon

A sudden stabbing pain I felt
through my back and into my chest
just about where my heart dwelt
I sat down to take a rest

I looked around and saw a brat
naked!, laughing with a bow
and on the heavy side of fat
cheeks sporting a ruddy glow

Seeing his quiver one shaft short
I started to give chase
he just turned around and laughed
and easily matched my pace

A Blind Eye

Just as there's sour in a lemon
and, that lemon makes a tart,

that is, after it's been baked,
but, before the "bite" does start;

just like milk comes in a bottle
and butter, in small cubes

you can turn a blind eye
but, we're going down the tubes.

Like the wind in fall, or autumn
embarrasses the tees,

by making all their "clothes" fall off
and, land around their knees;

I've seen good folks throw good money
after distinct, political "boobs";



Dear Diary
Nobody knows what Hell I go through each day
Except you
You alone are my tower of strength
You alone are on my wavelength

Dear Diary
Everyone believes they can turn me around
But only you can
Just you alone will save me from myself
You alone have been there yourself

Your 'Dear Diary' I will become
Break you from the desire for Rum
Your 'Dear Diary' I have become
Break your cycle and craving to run

Stubborn Heart

Sometimes when my stubborn heart gets a little blue
I take her away from everything about you
I pour her a drink and take her in my arms
where her tears can roll free, away from judgement or harm


At Gettysburg the young men fell
as if reaped by some scythe from hell
never to return to home
an early end to their life's tome

Muskets, grapeshot, and mini-balls
death hurtled from behind stone walls
leading to the cries and screams
of seasoned soldier's shortened dreams

This battle fought so long ago
resulted in the world we know
a land ideas had torn asunder
laid open to pillage and plunder

I Can Still Remember

I can still remember one special day in spring
when I first saw you, wear my wedding ring.
The summer of our love, the beginning of our time
now in the autumn of our love, I’m glad you are still mine.

I can still remember the loveliness of your face
graced by your smile and your warm embrace.
And the years have not changed you or your ways
you are just the same, as you were in those early days.

Just To Be Happy.

Just to be happy is all I need
no dreams of ambition or desire to deceive.

Just to be happy with you by my side
with love in my heart and peace in my mind.

Just to be happy in your warm embrace
no need to be cool or win any race.

Just to be happy no grey skies above
the sun always shining down on our love.

Just to be happy my whole life through
knowing I am loved by someone like you.


kept the words in your heart of hearts like secret tears
like the jar of fears
killing ghosts of beauty and
pinning them on fine card stock
each beauty spread
their wings peirced with steel
the colours exposed

I sip images
I taste dust death
of dreams falling like smoke
laying on you naked
as a nightmare
melting like snow
each drop
softening your pain
rusting the armour

I read you with my hands
all the scars
and yet how smooth
you are


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.