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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


For those who missed Loved

Each year at the midnight bells chime….. I feel a spinal spasm ….have I grown a bit older ….nearing the periphery of my eternal resting place…. or have I endeared ….a time gone by ….just in haste.

Each year I feel a bit of chill …as the snows pave my way …but then small mercies… have a way… they help you with champagne …on a New Years eve day.

Don't Let Them Win

Do not label terrorists
as Christians or Muslims!
They threaten the peace
with their endless schemes

When religion teaches love,
respect, tolerance and humility
all that they have to serve
is hatred, chaos and disharmony.

Do not let their presence weakens us,
turning us against each other
we are making it all so much worse
when we start blaming one another

Stop pointing fingers and listen!
The devils are laughing in delight
enjoying the loss of reasons
as our blind fists begin to strike

Ruler of the Sky

Ruler of the Sky

Majestic ruler of the sky
flying high above the trees.
Looking for a meal
to feed her hungry brood.
Too many mouths to feed.

Awake oh little creatures
to the terror of the sky.
She hunts for you
to feed her young.
All run for the trees.

Safety in them
for she needs the room
for the mighty span of her wings.

Her talons come forth
as she spots her prey…
too late for the trees.

By: Sharon Jones

For What Reason?

What Death is this
that would leave me breathing?
Walk with me hand-in-hand
and sit on the end
of the Earth
our legs to tease the stars
as the faces
of my dead
float by on holiday

A hole waits for me
and will continue to wait
despite my willingness
to eat hors d'ourves with worms and maggots
because Death won't pull the trigger
or kick out the chair.

What are you afraid of
That you will make me happy?

h e x a n t * s u r m i s e

sheltered and broken
like the sunrise dank
in a dray tombs break

lay across the dusted din
of echoes seizure
tumbling in its fault
the wavelength wrought

a brilliance blue
of argon and ague
stretching with its
residual residency
the steps unsteady

loop steps
a jagged lace
the ice thinned
and hungry
wind shied
and espied

beneath the oval
of the eyes
shackled in need
bled haste
a greed
the circling
steps go round
and round


It is the many hidden truths
that get to me,
the lies, the little ones
the kind words
that fail to mask
the trouble in your eyes.

The vision was still born
and those doctors cut some chords,
they put her bloody
in a rubber sack and labeled it
with a date,
but not a name.


Acronyms it seems to me
are now the language of the day.
IDK and BRB,
what the hell did I just say?

I see young people here in town
with calloused thumbs and finger tips.
Their eyes flash up but usually down,
not one word passes stony lips.

Those thumbs fly then they look up.
Across the way somebody smiles
(perhaps the're making plans to sup)
it's not like they're apart by miles.

Skipping Stones

A casual walk along a rivers edge abandoned,
as a youthful reflex action takes its hold.
The body by the consciousness of time is caught in
genuflection, with reaching arm and searching hand.
An aging mind admonishes this coaxing out of child,
and reproach retrieves the posture proper to the years.


I love your lips
when they tip into a smile,
graze against mine,
let hot breath escape and leave trails
of shivers across my spine...
I love your teeth
when they scrape across my skin,
rake against my throat,
nibble at my ear...
I love your tongue
when it explores,
slides and curls and flutters
against my...

Thoughts From Arturius

Mad Monk Musings...

I am Arturius!
I come upon the English!
Leave these shores
to the wine-knights
and Danish whores!

I grab you Barbarians
and carve out
a Nation
from the ashes
left in burning piles
From vile

In my task
I rely on bards
to weave a story

Or my truth my version
lost in a
thousand years
of subversion

The 'Saxon Shore'
repels all comers
to no avail
they slink upon our
English edges


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.