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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


mirrror me mirror

A mirror simply reflects ...
the surface
depth is measured by ones eye
don't feel shy
we all are worthy creatures of nature ...
we only mirror

feel the essence of the individual,
are only silent observers,
this is what anyone can tell


I've watched as years crept up on you
the mirror became your enemy
and you've avoided its clear view
because of what you've come to see.

You focus on the graying hair,
those wrinkles (actually laugh lines)
and a few pounds gathered here and there
as well as other aging signs.

All of this is superficial
just a part of nature's plan
and to me inconsequential.
I'm not that shallow of a man.

Acess Denied / User bloggin '

facade foretold
by bodin' eye
glimpsed looking
glass the depthful guise

the pressure twixt
that held us fast
on a hairline crack
that shatters fast

the falls
in shiver steaming
spout spitting
like wounds
from an old house
in the turbulent
of wind seeker
soul weeper winds

and in the deep
a hand against
my heart

and started time
in reverse

To share and impart

The best teachers are those that show you where to look
but don't tell you what to see.
The best students are those who don't look at your finger
when you point at the moon.

What kind of teacher I would be
would not show the moon too soon
and not allow my finger to linger
or clench into a fist of despair
to swing futilely at empty air
where I think your head should be
it having already outpaced me,
so now we are both free.

Reflections On A Song By Simon and Garfunkel

Reflections On A Song By
Simon and Garfunkel

Passion wanes like slack, neap tide
upon this island form
with little that can be denied
by distant, offshore storm

the weathered rock that is my bone
aches constantly within
a pain so deep that faith alone
will never heal its sin

The spectator

Happily chirping
And flying about
I saw you
Basking in sunlight
Singing your own song

Picking up bread crumbs
Sitting unaware
I saw you
Getting caught
Taken away

Inside a golden cage
Hung in a garden
I saw you
Asked to sing
Sitting in a corner

Being fed
Fresh nuts and water
I saw you
Looking through the bars
Longing to get out

k a r n i v a l e

winsome toy
the wound mechanics
of taut swirl
plaster sadness
the watercolor sheen
of magi works

darkness is the visage
pulled by horses of speed
canvasses of pleasure

images through

while rain drizzles
in churned mud
strays nuzzle
for the wicked hunger
of the lost
of souls

from the garish
of seers

Team effort...

Through the night, so ebony black
he moved with grace and calm
With confidence went, not looking back
moaning a mournful psalm

No one saw him passing by
just heard his voice so lonesome
They said; “Someone is to die”
Not being sure, what from

But 'Death' walks close, mark my word
I've heard that sound before
Scariest sound you've ever heard
I don't want to hear no more!


I love the bubbles of her smile.
They tickle my heart and make me laugh.
Not just a giggle but a real howl
that makes me shake all over.
Then I walk away and I
hear that same laughter behind me.
I think they call it infectious.

The Reflection..

You stand right before me
in admiration
of self emulated beauty
your giggle is spontaneous
but genuine

then you break down
into a seeming reunion
now you dance
after a refreshing bath
let your towel fall
without a trace of wrath

then you laugh,
the world may hear

as you are seemingly calling
for your loved dear

finally through life’s magnetic trance
you wander
mindlessly ballet dance


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.