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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


A little secret

There's something I must tell you
Don't worry about a lie because it's true
You know that smile I always wear?
It's not real because in my heart there's been a tear
Do you know that laugh I always use?
I use it because your words are abuse
You know my favorite sweater?
I don't use it for the weather
The scars that I hide?
They wash away with the tide
The pain that I feel?
It's nothing but real
Now that I've been sucked into the darkness



L Absynthe

a light shones upon thee
the translucent ear
the plump cheekbone
rounded and thrust out
Heart Shaped
the fine dew hairs
and shinning
strands reaching
down the supple
swerve to hips

Grandmothers tea
A time of Vampires
and electricity
and Hypnosis

Rasp magnesium
rounded spring loaded
the flare pop in
inscence providence
and french linen
romper skye blue
wear withall

Don’t Disregard the Voices

Simple Simon
Crazy Joe
The Merry Trickster
Aunty Flo
tow the line
until it hurts
throw a spanner
in the works
cut the flower
for the show
leave the bloom
and watch it grow
crank the handle’s
the whole bee hive
paint snot drying
fast enough
where’s the fire
what’s the rush

Sun Rise in USA....The sun did rise finally!

Sun Rise in USA

A week ago in Chicago
guys did not know
whether ever again
the sun will glow


on plantations
seeds, farmers again will sow
so they wanted to stay
indoors and human seeds lay
whilst in bed

perhaps God will urge
the Americans to curb
as more population is born


I didn't know that I missed shadows
throughout these endless winter days
when skies were unrelenting gray
and sunshine was nowhere to be found.

All the world was bleak and stark
lacking detail, even depth
where horizons faded into haze
and days all passed without remark.

Old eyes strained from lack of light
and had no need of a hat's brim.
No stars or moon lit up the night
all dark as inside a black cow.

The Mind Is Free

A man's body shackled by sickness,
lying on the bed, weakened
but his mind can still be free
to dance in his fantasy,
to fly with the mighty eagles
looking at the world from above,
to explore the wonders of space
witness the birth of a planet
or to journey to the past
reviving the good times shared
with loving family and friends

The body may be imprisoned
but the mind is free

A p h e l i o n g i n g

an escapade siippery
with the dew of starry eyes
Sparks sprinkle down
from the pyres
thoughts of ash
soft as silk
syllables silent
the magic of the heat

Wavering the copper green
an aurora breath
This dark wood watch
the golden glow
in animation fronds
upon the trunks
of old souls
borne fruitful
stolid rising
from the stones
and dirth of
leaves and
laying fast beneath
the breadth of

The Loss of Another

Winter bares its naked trees
tracing my eyes
with a blizzard wonderland
as I seek to find
an end to the strife
playing hide and seek with ghosts
that never try to find me
burgeoning an anger,
a sorrow,
that pushes against my skin
like a polyester suit
tailored twenty pounds too tight.

spiritually soulful

Spiritually soulful

that alone makes your boat steer
the life of a river
you call soul

But I fear
as the river goes
towards the estuary
it lingers within me

when will the waters flow?
I also go
but yet life is too slow
the turns and twists of the river
tell me so

Friend stay some more
who will then know?
from where to where
your river did flow
so still I say
go slow



The world is spinning out of control
and all that I knew yesterday is gone.
I've been away so long from
my days of hopes and dreams.
My body has betrayed my soul.
and I see with eyes sharp and clear
what lies before me
and my heart sinks in the knowing


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.