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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



Your soul
is worldly
from dusk,
in the deserts
to dawn,
in the mountains
your mind
deep as
the ocean
and a
your lips,
an ancient potion
your presence
soft as flower petals
that fall from a rose, in a crown of thorns
upon my head.

MDT 2015

Rough Sketch

Line. Shade. Smudge.
Temptation of reliving pain
Poisons the unknown.

An undiscovered road,
Lead infused,
Drafts vivid memories,
Sinking between old and new.

New ideals
Attempt to compensate wounds.
Yet, internal wickedness
Contaminates growth.

Encapsulated emotions
Blur reality,
Distorting what’s to come.

With patterns redrawn
From sunrise to sunset,
Convergence remains,
And release from the past unmet.

Bedtime Story

The script unfolds
in the eyes
while lips read,
between the lines
of finger trails
treading over goosebumps
like braille

The script unfolds
page after page
eyes livid
in an ecstatic gaze
nerves tingling
in anticipation
of the climax

Lips part
eyes close
muscles tense
in sensuous yearning
as your nail scrapes
the final script
"Hurry, I can't wait"

... to befall a mummers galliard

his eyes were grills of cinnamon
now open to see a wonder of fencing
horribly polished chromes - the struggle,
the tusk of fallen stars, primus when the flesh become
shadows.In nocturne near futility of fragrance
amok the censers spectacle; before he started
his journey, his wife washed his feet, with her hair
but now, time to time, he roams, seeking refuge, Odysseus
undead while the feet agitate threadbare stumps
stars of the kingdom for the falling drought rain dancers.

made separate

Made separate from One
with a colourful burst,
at the beginning of creation.
Set forth to travel
through time and space,
for study and recreation.

Tasting the bitter
as well as the sweet,
as without both there's no comprehension.
Learning to travel the medium strip
to avoid unwanted tension.

Endlessly seeking harmonious joining
with others of similar vibe,
in an unconscious wanting,
an inherited yearning,
to restore the ancestral tribe.

impacts asteriod

repellant of the first foot out meteorite
in place of govern nonexistence. a sprinters cell
lacking the revelation for craters of cesspool
grafts,but impacts as a plume of ash
for sure clue chanced traces of thine dinosaur
upwelling of mound fissures clips grit shadowed
evaporite sulphates latinate of a doubled aggro
some fashion to call airy the merger
patrol ships on the cloud moist highway
sprite the sandals and garden closets
red of the repine rosy, our blood specter


can I take you down?
to the river or the sea?
call down to earth
land on a sharp end of me
thoughts are in mind

can we be something?

I have been in love before
I have been hurt
can you heal my heart?
can you make me happy again?
can your soul save mine?

I might refer to love
but mean true love


It's been, oh maybe, twenty years
since last I came this way.
Or maybe it was yesterday.
Time goes quickly, it's hard to say.

My rod's with me, I'm here to fish
in mountain waters running clear and white
in hope this setting will diminish
memories of loss ere comes the night.

So I stop beside a stoney riffle's pool
tie on a fly, I hope to match the hatch
then wave my rod, my wand, my tool
and lock my thoughts up with a latch.

the trees mummers vanquish

Which human was born before the hills,
Or which man measures the age of a rock
Callop on the flank of bucklers,ready heaps
And his flame of wet branches, dry up
The trees and dead stones of horns in graphite dust

fairlane scuze

pencil in the articulated slink
in the shadows
hair in bangs fallen fallow
brilliant like mink

We texture
us extravaganza
eyes disc cartography
gleam like obsidian

falling into the pools
and my fingers
search for the
pulse tip satin skin
riding like a coaster
beatufiul devoter
Incubbus intrepid



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