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Exasperation....Summation about Poetry

just reading it
his stress is understandable ...

One summation about poetry
that I have learnt is
the less a poetry /poem is understood
the more myriad views it throngs
in the throes of the human
unaccomplished mind
It leaves one with a gaping jaw
trying to comprehend
what the poet installed
in the mind's eyes

Read me some day,
dispassionately …
with wide open eyes,
I have decades behind
me as evidence


I heard the sound of pages turning
from writers' alcoves everywhere
where the dim night lights were burning
and poets laid their deep souls bare.

Then there came that final day
when verse and music both were done.
Had bards not heard their parents say
be sure to not look in the sun?

That fierce light burned their muse to cinders
and dried the ink within their quill
regardless of their age or genders
without vision they'd lost their will.


he took my paper heart
and folded it into a plane
threw it to the wind
and all my efforts were in vain
he stole my ink, my life
and wrote his name over again
he sits and grins and writes my death
and bleeds me through his pen
my bones have bent so many times
but never have they broke
yet then i felt the subtle crack
with every word he spoke
my body's cold, my breath is hot
my knives are sharp when mind is not
and right now they are all i've got
that listen.


caught me in your swell
the sweet perfume of orbit
how you swayed me
the fire gleaning
like ships ablaze
sinking suns
with powder guns

glitterbeing slit
this aperature

fire off salvos
of love lust and
taste the rounds
of hate catching
bare hearted

You walked barefoot
with naked seas
to find me

how undressed
I am
naked neath
these waters

and alive

(For P)

When the Poet Died.

When the poet died,
nothing lost was found.
Ever he would hide
poesy he had bound.

When the poet failed,
no one sought his work.
But he never quailed,
left alone in murk.

When the poet passed,
everything he wrote
stood no chance to last.
He had never gloat.

When the poet ceased,
beauty went away.
Darkness was released.
Now, the night is day.

When the poet died,
nothing lost was found.
We had all relied
on the poet's sound.

Obsession (updated)


Buddha on the road with Kerouac

That laughing man
on the road ahead
of himself,

I think
that creative urge just died an untimely

Goodbye Jack, we hardly knew you.
Goodbye Nietzche, I fucked your God
and it was good.

Lorraine(Workshop Submission Storytelling In verse)

Lorraine,‭ ‬even her name
Is a tinkling of rain drops to my ear

Red velvet grown clinging to every curve in her body

The ebon hair exposing a delicate neck

Crystal blue eyes‭ ‬that glowed,‭ ‬radiating her beauty even more.

What caught my attention above all

Was the ruby choker with its three tear drops trickling along her breast

How much my eyes did see,‭ ‬they remind me of

A slash with it’s droplets of blood.

How I quiver at the thought.

The blood pounding in my head

Pulse raging out of control


the sun hidden behind a cloud of organza
the moon hood shadowing on the skyline
of tarmac, sings a ballad of loose fists
after holding tight for a whole collapse of the night
a car pours and pulls out like a water drop
on the highway – street lights
so yellow flicker into Dickens fate
and the Moby Dick is me, upstanding
on white guidelines of foreverness

The Yield of my Bequeathal

To my parents I give crazy "props"
for putting up with me,

they provided great examples
which gave me integrity.

I also thank my siblings
for when push came down to shove,

they made me a better person
each combining to teach me, love;

and from then on I was willing
to share myself with all my friends,

giving me true substance
instead of following the trends;

which made all the difference
in the way I shared my heart,


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