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Galvanic Idée Fixe

Succumb to these
Visions that you're seeing
For I am those
I'm that ever-present being
What I am, nobody knows
Curiosity only grows and grows
Possibly the missing link?
Do you think?
I suppose
New places never been
I know you'll like it
Just let me in
A perfect fit?
Fuck, not again!


Drawn into a darkness of peace
An overwhelming sense of caution
There is in the mind much despair
But the heart is searching for healing

Not knowing where it comes from
This demon inside is drowning hope
While taking away the breath of joy
Feeling smothered in a pit of gloom

How does one overcome the unknown
The shadow of darkness as a friend
That has created chaos, a gift with a smile
Sinking deeper than comes escape



Each day I see
another part of me
fall away
and I wonder
what I will become

but then there are
those sudden occurrences.
I’m thrown off my feet
no warning.
no mercy
and nothing is ever
the same again.

They tell me
it’s all in the “journey”.
not a thing
I can do.
no place to hide.
no one to pray to
I’m just a puppet
on a string



The pleasure boats of promise sail away.
An avalanche of friends; don't want to stay.

From high stepping love, the wounded heal.
Hands locked together praying all they feel.

Babes finalize a fond, farewell salute.
Kisses sadly blown like Krishna’s flute.

All for love I guess, they graciously
give more than get, pretending that it’s free.

Keep winter warm with summer’s dog-eared map.
Heat the hearth with twigs that burn and snap.

Thoughts from Guinievere

I'm a figment of a
yet i'm woman
and strong

I embody all Queenly
naturally act like
Jill or John

What was the mad
Welsh Monks
idea to make me
like a pedestal?

Just so I could
fall from ancient
have punishment
pushed in my face

'The Great Arturus'!
my Romano-Brit
I toy with you
you know I do

It's All In The Eyes

The eyes always my first point of contact
Can make my heart contract
They can make me foolishly act
that's a known fact

It's not a smile
that will me beguile
but a twinkle in an eye
that I espy

They say eyes are the reflections of the soul
maybe that can explain to me their romantic role
A wink, a blink can make my confidence rise or sink
I lose all ability to think

If you like me stare, flirt, emphasise
whatever you want just use your eyes
They have the power to hypnotise

Not Alone

When times Are hard.
And things look bad,
You feel alone,
And Are so sad,
When things,
Get crazy ,
In your head,
The things you done,
And also said,
When all the world,
Is At your door,
And you feel,
You cant take,anymore
Just pick a person
In your life.
Be it your Daughter,
Mother or wife,
concentrate on what,
They mean,
Things you done,
The places you been,
The good the bad,
Happy And sad,
It wont solve,
The Issues
That Are there,

A Forlorn Mother

I took a walk on a lonely pathway
By the corner stood a massive anthill
Termites covered it in frenzy movement
I looked through the cassava stems below
There lied a long and lifeless creature
Crunched into by a nest of warrior ants
After it had swallowed a little boy
Left to play by the mother, while weeding
In the farm adjourning the river bank
Given her by late grandfather, dearly loved

To the Editor

Clean; you must be referring to those
few so-called bad words, like;
fuck you you self-righteous-mud-dog,
cleaned up version being,
step away from the clouds my friend.

but not me
at least not anymore
I'll never be your word-whore.

Are you suggesting or demanding,
lifting or demoralizing,
imposing while declaring,
hearing but never listening.

I care not for your moralistic views
and don't want anything to do with you,
my poetic license reinstated,
I fucking said it.

Bucket List

it is time to do my bucket list
bullet points of the things
i should have, could have, would have done
the fun i should have before
the sun sets on me
so i sat
chewed on my pencil
pondered like a kindergarten kid doing subtraction
and the actions i placed on my list were

i want to watch my son grow up
and my wife grow old

i don’t want to sky dive
or walk on the great wall of china
i don’t want to write the great american novel
or sail around the world


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