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This shows the poems in just one one workshop. To see all the poems on Neopoet, go to the stream. Or go to the workshop page itself, where you can find out more about the syllabus.

Monday's Moon

She's up early
trying to recall that crazy-in-love-feeling
but today
she can only find the crazy part

and the moon hanging in morning light
only helps to make it seem

Their morning is spent in silence,
they have coffee and toast,
he reads
she dreams,
a quick kiss goodbye
and both wonder

what happened.



I am a complicated
and complex entity
the vessel of a million genes\
and more
the sum total of all humanity
is in me
and in others before.

I anguish over the mystery
of my being
for the beginning
may be clear
but my ending I
s what most I fear.

I've seen them pass
one by one
ten little Indians
and soon none

No word from the other side
if another side is my destiny

going home

in depression
in fibrils
of time

until I am mute
so reduced
I am a fading

my wounds
bleed a cruel tide
rivers of my blood
whisper away
set free

burn out my eyes
I shall fear no death
I cannot know
what I
cannot see

so the wings
of a phoenix
carry me home,
and I rage
against time


A coffin lowered
the Sun blood stained and weary
never ending tears.

You Can't Take it With You

Squander your wealth on selfish wants,
Spend it all with no regrets,
Because taking it with you,
You might as well forget,

No you can’t take it with you,
And you won’t be coming back,
This much I know for sure,
Cause I ain’t never seen a Hearse with a luggage rack,

No you can’t take it with you,
This much is plain,
Because your dead,
So what use would you have for it anyway,

Spend your money,
Or give it to a friend,
Don’t worry about how much it costs,
Because you won’t care in the end,

oh my Niagara

Niagara Falls
I only wish you had been to Niagara
romance never ends there ever,
I would love to have one each day
come what may
winter spring or snow
the Niagara always does love grow

and upon my life’s arc
there is a permanent glow

how I wish all of you
sooner than later to Niagara go
to make the most beautiful
of all God's presentations of love
naturally flow


No matter the vibrant or rain soaked things
happening outside my window
or between the space
where floor
doesn't quite
meet door,
I linger in my own soft breeze.

As I be breezing,
I be fluttering.
My lips be muttering.
My poetry stuttering
desires I keep
just for you

poem 14

The room is empty
and dust motes circle in slices of light.
Books like brickwork cover one wall
and on a table a wise old chinaman looks out,
the only figurine.
In another unit a child is crying,
and further away
there's the distorted sound of a reggae tune
but here
not even phantoms visit.
Memories that might have gathered,
as crumbs do in soft furnishings,
have departed like revellers, (laughter
echoes, the lift door closes).
No ticking clock,
no floorboards creak as evening arrives.

test.please submit a meaningless comment.

please submit a meaningless comment.
Just testing different aspects of Neopoet

p o s t u l a t o r y

time bleached
with the tongue ot sun

shade and blight
rust and blood

tears and worn streets
full of wind catologued

You groomed me long

the night fresh
you tamed the beast

leaning in the trunk yearned

beneath the cacaphony of constellations
how you tore at the flyers
of a rational


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