Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.


This shows the poems in just one one workshop. To see all the poems on Neopoet, go to the stream. Or go to the workshop page itself, where you can find out more about the syllabus.

brazened truth

brazened truth

dream not of me
dream not of me
in the evening of darkness
as I step into the forest of unknown shadows
as I step inside
don’t follow me
ere the shadows envelop thee

Let You Go

I was sweet when you came to stay,
But I clenched my fist when I gave you away.
I saw you break and burn and rust,
But it was clear that you broke my trust.

Why are we both so mean?
Why can’t we just come clean
And mend the past to score the present,
With happiness, then our anger relent.

“I love you, I love you!” we once had said,
When all was fine before fear and dread.
Then when I realized nothing was true,
I closed my eyes and away you flew.

anima damnata

somnia perdita


curl back the edge
mandlebrot glean

waiting on the echo
the windscape honour

the well of souls

Experimenting Seasons

When Summer's sun
rises in my eyes,
when Fall brushes
up my thoughts,
when Winter
washes the tears
I've often disguised,
just then my
heart is ready
in Spring to bloom.

A Discourse by Two Mortal Enemies Whose Wish Is Peace

I surrender my Faith to your protection...

Your Faith is as an honored guest in my home...


submerged within the listless reverie
a time stamped tear

empty café
espresso dried porcelain
in the gloaming

unfinished pledges
woven garlands
lay limp

sculptures of
gritty plaster
empty easels

unharvested gallery
Renaissance plucked

the reins of fate
only teased

sincere be my thanks

Thank you so much so to say

despite your busy schedule
you do find some time
to come my way …
how then from Neopoet
I can stay away
when many think of me
as you do …

some if not many
say words so few
as much as keep on going bard
work at poetry very hard

someone also asked me to join
a workshop to my mind refine

the best one of them all
loves to chastise
does make a final call
you know who that one could be
that only one after all...



I spend to live,
I dare not give
Stands to reason
this, a kind of treason.

Treason I say straight from my heart,
this is a betrayal to all of mankind.
When did our selfish world then start,
when did I opt out, become hard to find

Captain’s of industry or
just plain greedy men.
Hidden inside their words,
they eat enough for ten.

I care not for life’s motley crew,
a charity in which I never participate
Those who find selfish hard to do,
don’t deserve the right to celebrate.


deforest ideals
with a blow

sacred shrines
with dusk fires

have we forgotten
is our end

hold your hand
before the gleam
the halo
the star

Imprisoned Thoughts

The wind is roaming
while my thoughts are imprisoned
in the gentle rain.


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