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This shows the poems in just one one workshop. To see all the poems on Neopoet, go to the stream. Or go to the workshop page itself, where you can find out more about the syllabus.


Hushed night air
gentle breezes
caressing open curtains
dance across my face.

Through the walls
and window sills
silently they creep
careful not to disturb
my sleep.

The creaking of the door
footsteps in the hall
Tell me I'm not alone
voiceless, I wait.

Shadow figures
outlined in moonlight
converse with themselves
colloquialims I can't understand.

Mischievous creatures
rummaging cabinets.
Perhaps looking
for a midnight snack.

Oh! divine prayers

they bought a fish
I said she will die,
yes they say we all have to...
but the single one
was left alone in isolation
did it have to moan
so the fish swam all alone
none to talk to
none to collide
none to chase
nor be chased far and wide

she went all about
in search of solace
till divinity welcomed her
to her royal palace

On the broken street,
where even passing cars cannot
erase the growing weeds
slowly widening asphalt cracks
before the gap-toothed leer
of empty storefronts
everything is grey,
thick dust of old abandonment
hanging acrid in the air,
rusted sewer drains
choked with hardened mud
split like gaping idiot grins


the cool tablet square
of grey skies
the red ferocity
spaced in its heirarchy

a mower drones lost
beneath the shade of summers
shadow underline

black crows shiny
as a fragment of nite
sit silent

an illusion of shape
on limbs empty

nights flare distilled
through the entropy

like roman numeral
on book spines

bleached sheets
and well spring

while a moon hunts
for the companion
of planetary host

Through my Father's eyes

In my father's eyes I was someone
special, treasured, his princess
he expected from me just me
no more, no less

Before my father's eyes I grew
from small baby girl
to young woman
so fast the wind of time blew

Through my father's eyes
I could literally fly
do anything I set my mind to
even set the world alight

by my fathers eyes
I was never judged
accepted for who I am
though now jaded years later

Poem: For Upon My Head, Nothing Gold Can Stay

Standing at the threshold
of Death’s ultimate door,
my last gasp escapes me…
As I’ve never experienced before.

Into the Heavenly realm
I ascend in wonderment,
now housed in an incorruptible body
and thankful that from sin I did repent.

Standing in God’s throne room
freed of all Earthly flesh,
my spiritual essence is energized
and feeling fully refreshed.

Now gathered unto my Savior,
unencumbered reality is more than it seems;
for to be in His Presence
is my accomplished dream.

Quatrain Rhyming Couplet Camaraderie (Workshop)

A night of warmth, the day is here,
my beans now grow a race is clear
the soil erupts to let them through
a sea of green to feed us seen.

The nighttime heat, summer is here,
it is so hot I can't see clear,
my face the sweat do sting my eyes,
I cry dear sir please fix the air

A city awakens brushing
suicides and junkies flushing
with her human bone comb snagging
drones watch football huffing, bragging

human ala perfection

there is undoubtedly nothing perfect
in human strife….
be it living with a girlfriend
or a lovely wife….

all seek perfection in a boy friend ….
hardly one anyone can find….
yet we all must keep perfection in mind…


strive to be the best that we can be….
let the rivers of perfection flow….
the aromas of roses blow…


as we trudge along the vast loneliness ….
in the universe ….
lets compose poetry terse …



Bending the holy
and reflects upon antique eyes

Mishandled memories
Absorb the hours

Regret marinates the feast
Breaking the soured fast
To refuse

Petrified ruins of youth
Ignorance wafts through the dance
Of regret

Lissom lovers
Listless fates

One more taste where
Skin slides against skin

Moon goes down and my demons swolllow

Knarled hands hold tight
The silken wood

Chat Opens At 7:00 pm...EST

Tonight's Featured Poet Will Be John Keats !!

Hope to see you there


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