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This shows the poems in just one one workshop. To see all the poems on Neopoet, go to the stream. Or go to the workshop page itself, where you can find out more about the syllabus.

Paradise Dissected

full color posters span the room.
exotic islands extending
a promise of paradise


whispy fronds
sandy waves
golden umbrellas of sun
and moonlight
the waters,
and wine, sparkling
with an infectious splashing jubilance

reclaimed colonial remnents,
spruced and gussied,
are re-animated on slick penny posts
dosed with salcious slogans,
and taunting, boastful

charming enticements,
sanitized in white,
safe for all consuming pleasures

Brilliant comment,,,now poetry

your brilliant remark as a comment

sparks my mind with a momentary lament... a rumored love story ...between a hubby and wifey ...they tried for years ...but she couldn't conceive ...and said if she couldn't least he could....

Ferrous Standby Complexitory Annunciation

tin days roll away
the summer bleating in blonde chilled hay
the creeks are sighing raised their ways
in banks of crested hues of sheen
a memory of the seasons green
past through the florrid hurry dews
now dusted with the flurry hues
tin days have come
to stay

satin and sheen
of mornings frost
the labours of
a years cost
piled high in wood
for sighing stoves
preserves and
jams for tasty

Opposites Attract

We’ve been married for many a year.
I like wine and he likes beer.
He talks a lot about world affairs,
politics and falling shares.

I like shopping in charity shops,
Tesco sales and coffee stops.
He likes cricket and detective films,
Doctor Who and magic realms.

I like Spring watch and BBC four.
Doc Martin and Patrick Moore.
He likes to read the “New Scientist”.
Not much else is on his list.

The Big Feign

glowing fresh as tomorrow
she sashayed in

a two bottle blonde
with lips lit soft
as jujube rubies

stiletto high
her slender waist
and second-hand swank
a touchingly tender repose

she sighed,
a slow motion sigh
sliding a subtle heartwrench
into the scene

a breathy,
breast heaving plea

"can you help me?"

being a man of sound body and mind
I blurted, "I dunno"

Strict Comment

What self indulgent crap we spout
When sitting here tapping words out
As we bring each other to our knees
Or should we test cryogenic freeze

Where are those talks in simple phrases
That we had when walking with you my friend
It seems when typing words here and now
The crap stretches on and on without end

Oh! you may say it took you many a day
To produce words in metered rows this way
But why do you make my eyes suffer so
As on and on the unadulterated crap does go

My Second Mother

Seven long summers, I slept in your lap,
With thousands thirsty bugs in your sari
And millions mosquitoes over your head
Sucking all my jaundiced blood drop by drop.

In rainy days, I heard you cry and sob,
Seeing me take some stale rice and rat-smelt dal
And live on just two modest meals a day,
Turning myself into a bag of bones.

I used to wake up late to miss my milk,
And save some coins every cloudy morning;
My friends and field work used to freak me out,
You just warned me not to miss the tilting.

Unmarked Graves

desert byways

shoulders hold
shredded rubber
as death

beyond the berm,
"nothing", they say

I know better

deep in the hole
hope folds
like a busted flush

sorry, pal

end of the ride

* D E U S* V U L T *


into dark
the white falls
pure in its whisper

and like the life


in freedoms

for honour

a sky
wetted in winds
and tasted
in defeat

You are so intimate.......inspired by....

You are so intimate.......inspired by you.
You are so intimate
that's what I thought

as I stepped forward
my chest seemed to be caught
in the lengthy nails
I imagined to be,
too true
yes that's true,

then side twists of my body
upon yours curvaceous
jerked me off
as you tried to too,

but sudden transformation of a reality,
to a dream that now say you,
made me go down the corridors
naked to scream


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