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This shows the poems in just one one workshop. To see all the poems on Neopoet, go to the stream. Or go to the workshop page itself, where you can find out more about the syllabus.

Senryu Condemnation

Your words are poison
coated with honey-sweet lies
decreasing self-worth

Do not speak of love
when you caused many heartaches
with your selfishness

A real man speaks truth
not hide like cowardly fools
behind shades of lies

the first is always an ellipses

the birds reap but they do not sow
my unfriendly stigma to these groove
gown in sticks dressed scarecrow
and worn out shoes counterpart
seeking for a job, when told of august scarce
briefcase and spring Achilles tendon
subways for all provisional matters
thereby the encampment of military enforcement

Like Fingers

Those fingers are not like my family’s fingers.
And it’s okay, we even voice different,
never mind the language
Small trivial
air-weight vessels.
But it’s interesting, watching…
Subjectively perceiving a blended image
The most real of dreams
Ones not fast forgotten
And how this affects everything:
It’s in the milk
it’s in the butter,
we eat it with strawberries.
For ever,
now. It is forever-now.
My eyes,
can be seen
watching, as with fallible grace,

Haiku Pink cherry blossom fading

Pink cherry blossoms
overcome by signs of spring
sprouts of green foliage

dressage barrage

harsh bitterness hangs in the air
like this moon
shorn of cloud beyond
our reflections in the old poured glass

panes of pangs

delvish ruin
upon our arms
we drape our wounds
our aches
like gleaming charmes
and rush to greet
a calamity we become
sinking fast
the heat of our hunger
dripping like morning
the husks of a flowers
once beautiful
soft newness

petals of sighs
drowsy and high

Senyru No more hugs for you

it is not funny
when I do not get my way-
no more hugs for you

You two..Ian and Jess

You two

I tell all my good friends
that Ian and Jess
are the lights
the torches
the candles
the flames
just say any names
who have reached out
from earthly to heaven domains

to teach me poetic games
which one day,
some day
all poets will frame
in their minds
as do you two


I love the way you polish a poet,
innocent of poetic nuances
like you always do
You two

back arch beneath the starch linen shirt
resting on the laurel spine
the wool spun weave
of a slither loom that shunts
quick as a cats eye

the clan
the tartan
bright and scheming

spring air in the flags
and whistling in the
while at the horizon
a blush of
fuscia dreamer


I shall write in mornings glow,
would you walk with me there,
things I need to know.
if the world is the same,
for you as it is for me.

A lovely place for poets to be
They sometimes make me cry.
I have searched for many a day,
To stop those tears in my eyes.
I want to find a trace of your light,
It was not fair you know.

A trail gone cold in my sight
To walk that extra mile.
As I just wanted to be with you,
To see your beautiful smile.
To all that you know
Take care out there.


turn down the radio
the darkness slips the latch
to these gates

and the ribbons of night
create their works
swiftly moving masque

touch to touch
as innocent as breath
and text

trembling nervous as
the stars
filling appetites of
heavens charmes


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