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This shows the poems in just one one workshop. To see all the poems on Neopoet, go to the stream. Or go to the workshop page itself, where you can find out more about the syllabus.

You are an entity!

We all are equal in the eyes of a new reader
Let's take a lesson or two
from Neopoets not too few
to express our inner desires
and set aflame
all misgivings that someone else
is better than me….
may be any
each poet has his /her own style
mostly most their time while,
expressing inner most grief
but forget that life is exceedingly brief
Live not in the solitudes of time
get up and to the music of life chime
life is really sublime,
live up to your confidence
as I do mine

Reflections on a shooting star

Ephemeral and bright, piercing through
The inky cloak of sleepless contemplation.
I know the love of this woman
Who is my soul’s connection,
The wanton knot slipped round
Each tendrilled fibre of my being.
Solace of an aging heart’s gaunt emptiness,
Her nestled face in comfort’s fold of
Shoulder, arm and tumbled raven hair.
She is my heart's constellation,
My focal point in a star-crowded sky
Obscured by unexpected truth
Of moon-laced chasing clouds;
Dream-breakers of harsh experience.


set gates into the watchtower
an Arab dune
arch outside fire colour
permeates ashdust

polka dots grinning in the sky
disaster has prickle grit glass
i saw it take off into the skies
the bride will adorn veil white dress
sordid when the moon starts raining blood throes

"New York" "New York"

Digit awoke from a deep sleep
Thinking that appointments he must keep
To lie low for a year or two
As off the scent the detectives he threw

His friend from school that received his wealth
Was told to wait and not spend it all on himself
Now Digit had a task on his mind
He scoured the papers his friend to find

He found that he had left for America there,
New York he saw in the papers columns clear.
He booked a flight that day and flew no time to lose
A lady, green with book in hand he would chose

Shadow Valley

The silent valley broods,
no rapids, no mist,
dumb, desolate, mystified
no creaking timber
or foxy howl,
no grumbling of land slides
or whispered sighs,
just silence and solitude
deserted of birds and rainbows
once a paradise,
now steeped in dark shadows
of stilled clouds,
swallowing in the disquiet of quiet
within and without
as this tranquil emptiness
Is filled with contemplating
life without you.

the adventures of albion 12

for the wolves arm sonic
wool covered under par
tonic tunic shred
cowering echo gecko
tone least evasive
calling matting grate

round leather foster emissary
honorary vary contemporary
rosary anarchic itch
sketching Mongolia
Libra clairvoyant
yank crank sank

sunk dank flowers tower
prow powers Thorpe
Thor rope slope
breakers ganglion
minutiae battalion shone
milk-way lightening bone

touch of spring

histories behind plate glass
the fabric of the test

wrapped like shrouds that blow
the shadows of the exam..

At Your Side

You did not see me standing at your side
I wouldn’t talk as you were resting
That you had been crying as an oceans tide
Soft tears flowed that’s what called me in.

Now how do I start to heal these ills of yours?
There is no need for other physical beings
This Spirit of mine reached out to your shores
Now I can deal with your disrupted feelings.

Dance in the Twilights

Time between daylight and darkness,
I danced in the wind as a child.
searched the heavens for a sign of heavenly light.

Sandnadoes spun in the yard after sun set.
mad dashes, laughter, playtime before
darkness covers the land.

A brush with death ever so often
thunder and lightening struck the dust.
spring showers washed away pollen and dust from the air.

In My Shoes

In my shoes

The demons are awake
and they feed upon my fears.
The light is growing dim
and the years
bring no promises.
All see themselves in me
and run
while they still can,
No man is stronger than
his humanity.
silence fills the void
of an empty soul.
And my heart sinks,


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.