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what Life had me learn.

What life had me learn.
Living is never without lessons-regardless of vast resources no man can live in absolute isolation for long.
A sound education from the ivory tower is never solely academic wins excellence in academics promises but never guarantees-something more is required.
Life's whispered promises are patience anchored with life purchase is without warranty . Its always hard for me to love totally a pretty woman,knowing that beauty is not skin deep,exactly why its never wise to be inspired by booty or beauty,but know a good head is always enough but never satisfies the eyes-windows of the soul (searcheth continually for its candy)
Life has taught me that communication with an intelligent female has its rewards even without fleshy intimacies-of its rewards ask me not! Am not that philosophical.
Life had me learn that formal education dispells superstition,but little education makes one gullible.
Life had me know there really are things that go bump in the dark-things that evade explanation,exceed imagination.
Life had me learn that kind words never do but gentle tone and actions toll in all eternity like the sabbath bell-to those who have heard it,you have'nt? That makes two of us!
Life has taught me that contentment is temporary,all round satisfaction is elusive like a snow leopard-or yeti if you like!
While life taught me was easily distracted,but never say me learned nothing! Cause them distractions were lessons in themselves-what distracted me life! And its good things.
Like an eager student Life had me learn that forever! Friends seldom are,
Forever enemies never stay
But change,tax,intermarriage occur repeatedly.
Life has taught me patience is worth courting-for soon me get me much awaited turn.
Poor english is not wisdom deficient-listen and even you would learn aplenty.
Life had me learn, conflict is minimal when bonded with the right spouse-minimal not extinct.

Post script: no 'I's

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Last few words: 
the silent words booming in my conscousness,were competing with the urgent prompting the environment my distractions were lessons themselves. everywhere old things triggered new thoughts.
Editing stage: 


an interesting read, but, imo it is hard to read
I would suggest you either separate the thoughts with a paragraph space, or (and I personally prefer) into stanzas

for example
‘Living is never without lessons-
regardless of vast resources
no man can live in absolute isolation for long.

A sound education from the ivory tower
is never solely academic -
wins excellence in academics promises but never guarantees-
something more is required.

and so on…
‘wins excellence in academics promises but never guarantees-‘
do you mean?
‘(win’s) excellence in academics promises but never guarantees-
‘(wins, ) excellence in academics promises but never guarantees-

this thought
‘Life's whispered promises are patience anchored with life purchase is without warranty . Its always hard for me to love totally a pretty woman,knowing that beauty is not skin deep,exactly why its never wise to be inspired by booty or beauty,but know a good head is always enough but never satisfies the eyes-windows of the soul (searcheth continually for its candy)’
- you might want to work on this a tad to make it clearer and more succinct

I really like –
‘Life has taught me that contentment is temporary, all round satisfaction is elusive like a snow leopard-or yeti if you like’

one other suggestion – it seems to me to end with simply another thought. imo if you could draw them all into one final conclusive thought I think this would be quite powerful... as it is, it loses impact, as simply a gathering of introspective thinking

love judy

'Each for the joy of the working, and each, in his separate star,
shall draw the Thing as he sees It, for the God of Things as They are.'
(Rudyard Kipling)

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