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every man has his fear

.Alektorophobia is the fear of chickens-I got a cousin who gets all sweaty when within close distance to free-ranging hens when within close distance to free-ranging hens.

Biblophobia is the fear of books- imagine if everyone else in my school had this type of fear, i would have come up tops easily.

Bromidrosiphobia is the fear of body odour- I subscribe to this fear.

Gymnophobia is the fear of being naked- Imagine having a wife whose got this, you might as well go celibate!

Ochophobia is the fear of vehicles-Interesting! Is sahara long haul trekking your specialty?!

Ombrophobia is the fear of rain- the world doesn't need too many anti-agriculturalists

Philophobia is the fear of falling in love-she hasn't met Bill Gates.

Somniphobia is the fear of sleep-you would make a fortune as a night security guard.

Taphephobia is the fear of being buried alive-who wants to be buried?!(nobody really wants to die)much less buried alive!

Teratophobia is the fear of monsters or deformed people- sorry the former I haven't seen; the latter, nobody's perfect.

Xenophobia is the fear of strangers or foreigner-wait! people from another land or world?If he comes with one head, why should I fear him? But if he laughs in an odd way,''like laughing with teeth pressed together'', would you mind keeping him company?!I bet not.

Zoophobia is the fear of animals-Give me a break!You ought to fear something.

Panophobia is the fear of everything- 'men' you are so scared am scared to be your friend.

Phobophobia is the fear of fear itself-''You are in a class of your own''. You own the patent of this sort of fear

Editing stage: 


Are you trying to make me Metrophobic with this piece, I shall pretend that it was a beautiful piece of Prose.
Great to know all these words but it needs to be put into a fun poem, or even a piece of prose but to entangle the reader into reading more than a list.. Yours Ian.T

Metrophobia is the fear of poetry. People with this fear tend to dislike seeing, hearing or writing poems. Metrophobia is considered to be a specific phobia, which is discussed on the home page.

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

i will re-structure it! its something i wrote yrs ago. Never bothered to edit it. Because to me it was a fun read. But now i know . I need to take it apart and re-assemble. Thanks again

author comment

Just captured a list of Phobia's it seems a fun thing so come on make poetry with symetry, Yours Ian.T

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

I wrote a piece that comprises of just a list of Plurals about two weeks ago it is very hard to make them ring like poetry but I shall edit it when time permits, Take care out there, Yours Ian.T

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

the correct term is 'collective nouns'.
And I look forward to your re-write

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

if you thought about it and structured it more carefully, leading to a point, as you almost did with Panophobia and Phobophobia

I have arachybutyrophobia- the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of my mouth and choking me.

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

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