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opee nee yawn!

What's this about opinion?
Just some exclusive right of people to say their idiotic
Believe their moronic
accept their own views
Denying the need of a more enlightened clarification.

What's this about opinion?
Its their right not to be disillusioned
They market you the idea that they entitled to it,if you care you can buy into such views,but its just the way they see things...Not!
Its really the way they choose to see things
When you bring a more informed judgement and attempt to rationalize it with them.
They bail out by saying "its your opinion"
Its your exclusive,untamperable right to say inaccurate,
to believe unclear
accept insubstantiated info.

What's this about opinion?
Its the medieval chain mail vest they adorn when charging through the forte of religious issues,
the armchair philosopher's rhetoric "people see and process things differently.

What's this about opinion?
Its the widely exported concept that 'to have and sustain peace we must prepare to war'
Its the widely held view that 'men are polygamous and women are not.

What's this about opinion?
Its the belief that there's a heaven,a hell and ahem! a middle place.
An exclusive right to believe in the Hereafter.
Its their participating right of belief that there be underage virgins aplenty in the hereafter.
Thank heavens! Not all things in life are opinionated so the gamut of the above arguement
I largely say it as
I quite believe it to be
I do and wholly accept i

Last few words: 
it's simply amaZing how things can all of q sudden be neither right or wrong. something we all know and accept for what it is but yet we choose to subject it so the sway of opinion.
Editing stage: 


Unless I am not getting the poem at all I think you want to use they're rather than their. I enjoy the play with the title.


I was not trying to define opinion but I gave the meaning of.opinion from the way various people have applied it to their lives. there are, would have come in, if I wanted to.say = opinion is are there are the unbiased... but it's more like opinions are

the armor people dorn when charging into controversial matters, a safety net so one is not proven wrong or corrected. to these people who dish out their belief system,and to avoid been.corrected they such matters are subject to opinion. to me a good deal of such matters are bullshit excuses.but even that is my it's a journey into how people react or what people choose to in issues like male child over the female or same sex marriage. that's the general gist of the piece.I hope it's easier to read now. or is it?

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