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Minutes mustered
laying listening the the hits of
every drop
Torrential like winds of shouts
an audience in darkness
the strikes of hands
an ocean of rising noise
Then silence

A wind moans through the tree
reaching second floors
a spirits banshee cry
the spasms raise from
the legs to the eyes
a race in a room
the light splitting in
glitter walking walls
in lurid dream
the gutters gush
My bones ground down
to dust on cobblestone
A ghost shouting down
the chimney stack

An ivory of lights
like a pillar
the black moth gleams
my madness quivers
the epileptic disease

a window open
lactuca verosa
the packet in the stand

the wind like souls torn
a shriek of a whistle
the shift
and Im lost
caught in the beam
of motion memory
the fluid falling
the tunnel of noise

the rain watches
us do our dance
sparkling in the dark
the wind wipes
my brow
my spittle

in the glow
my tatoo shows
when I wake
im in the shade
and im always
looking for my


Editing stage: 


I think this is one of your best writes for a while, it is full of everything and doesn't stray from its core.
The title did you write that first then the poetry, both match and are excellent,
Yours, Ian..

Give critique to help keep Neopoet great.
Unconditional love to you all.
"Learn to love yourself first"
Yours as always, Ian.T, Sparrow, and Yenti

I had an idea of the rain ..wind...and it was mournful...and I had been head to head with
someone...I do this often...Unforgiven just means too me that I can hold my ground..they
can hold theirs...Its a game match basically....its the reverse of the gunslinger face off
which I had at the lights today with another madman on his bike just like mine...we
liked each other...old ladies are the same....some stupid there we were..
the traffic was watching in their cars...some kid on his trix bike off to the side even was
aware of it....light changed..he rolled off first across and I veered off curb at him.
both got aviator shades on...beat up old bikes....Older then most of the bike running
punks...passed with no incident....but the thoughts of aging.....winds...rains...summer
...storms....fury of rains..dreams....hauntedness that wakes us up keeps us awake...
its real....any age this will touch most...or lucky if it doesnt.....Glad to recieve your
comment Ian! Ive been working on matching my titles more correctly to the works
inside...Its a maturity process....
Thank You!

author comment

Excellent, as always. Regards Roscoe...

Roscoe Llane,

Religion will rip your faith off, and return
for the mask of disbelief that's left.

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