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There was a time
I do believe you cared.
but in that time
you didn’t care enough.
and when the beast
struck me hard this time
you left me far behind
last in line
of all others.

It’s easy to throw away
useless things
and broken things
but I say
I will dance on many graves
before the day
they lay me in mine

Editing stage: 


talk about "taking back your power", Wow! What an affirmation of self! Well written!


You bet! Thanks


author comment

Love is easy when things go well, but not so much when things are hell. Hope this isn't Too autobiographical.....stan

Thank you Mark and Stan. And yes it is tot ally autobiogrphical. To truly live life, we need to open ourselves to being hurt. This is t he nature of living.


author comment

Now that's the spirit. I personally do not have any use for a person that stay when things are good, but as soon as one needs help they can't handle it and leave, I speak from experience and commend your strength

Let your mercy spill on all these burning hearts in hell(Leonard Cohen)

Chrys, I remember well the abandnment when you were ill.There is so liyle time, but I will push it as far as I can.


author comment

You have learned many things, now reflecting on those things, rejoice as it is you that can dance.
Yours Ian.T

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

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