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Atoms spat me to life
just like that
the clink of bottles and rattled voices
on the din of the flimsy plywood painted green
Smoke and bad dreams to the rafters
ruckus and broken screens
Like my fathers car ploughed the dirt roads
to hell or home
I found the way

The ocean flurry I was beget
the swirl of it all
the alcohol and nicotine
and many fine ingredients
scorched me into the Now
and I emerged
the young scot doc knocking
over a delivery room
lamp in an explosion
on a moonless night
The train almost sideswiping
the wagon at the blind
Were those signs enough
and my Grey eyes which
were never going to change
spooked her so bad she
never gave me a name
for three months!!

September and Autumn
I love..My freedom
where I roamed passed
from social service homes
till October
a war lost but a battle

I was a lifer before I knew
it.....then came the sleepwalking
the nightmares
the asthma
screaming awake like a vet
at four

Shunned in grade Five
a child of the damned

I smile like a chesire cat
whose weathered the bricks
and the shoes
and all whom knew
and are faded like the
shadow about his
shrapnel teeth

Love is Love
never certian
never sure
much noise music
and commotion
then just the wind
that stirs

draw that drawbridge
up and get down
to work
Haunt the Haunts

my notchs and scars
are tended
they are my garden
of fanciful delights
the returnees running
a finger on them
I feel them and smile
the tissue healed
but the skill of the
art of their thrill
more alive then all
the want for understanding
that is beyond us mere
to answer

Better to Know How

Love is the wind
the cool of the light of the moon
and the scent of their skin
they leave to linger
that they may be
the only rose in the garden
you inhale
in the ache
and anarchy of


Editing stage: 


but as usual, a pleasure to read.
descriptive ... and interesting - a story, autobiography in part.?

I empathise with the sleepwalking and asthma... but have to say, never had a nightmare (touch wood lol)

I enjoyed this Steve
love judy

'Each for the joy of the working, and each, in his separate star,
shall draw the Thing as he sees It, for the God of Things as They are.'
(Rudyard Kipling)

A lovely write there young one, full of being yet with an undertone of being rejected, loved it, it would make a biography for someone becoming a lone wolf but that would never happen would it??
Two tiny things in the write as I went through
certian = certain and notchs = notches, hope it's OK to be a little picky lol.
Take care young Wolf and know we have entered a time of plenty, so enjoy, Yours, Ian..
In the summers sun we will rest awhile.
Taking in the universals free energy.
It replenishes my soul.

Give critique to help keep Neopoet great.
Unconditional love to you all.
"Learn to love yourself first"
Yours as always, Ian.T, Sparrow, and Yenti

Your words as always gild the stars
and light the rays of the moon
with her soft glow

Your passion screams
descriptions of love in torture
morph and change the suns dress
Stealing knickers off the dawn

when waterfalls rain with mercury
and the roots of your tree
find their home, night and day
will be bereft of your pen
with no poet left to scrawl

thank you for your poems
They are a delight and a pleasure to read

I find no fault or favourite I love every line

love Jayne x

“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” — W.B. Yeats

except i feel
the title has an extra 'T'

Passionate, sad, raw,sometimes confusing but never dull. This is poetry i could read for hours. Exceptional. Regards Roscoe....

Roscoe Llane,

Religion will rip your faith off, and return
for the mask of disbelief that's left.

(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.