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I looked with disbelief in the mirror

I knew that face so well, over many years

We have grown like identical twins

Time and time again smiling the same


Why did we not see this creep of age.

It has taken the youth from us

Destroying smooth skin and dimpled chin

I wonder why I still feel the same


You stare back and I can see your smile

You cannot hide anything from me

In days of good health and when I am Ill

You always look how I feel


I trust you with all my ways

You can be there to watch over me

I guess that as you look out you see

That we both have had better days


Do you think like I do inside?

Are there those worries that beset my soul

Have you feelings that you can’t let go

You never say what’s on your mind


It’s now been a long, long, time.

Mother left and father followed just so

Two brothers and two sisters left

They never said goodbye to me


I wasn't there to see them go

I must have been with you alone

Please stay with me for all times through

I wouldn't manage without you


I will look at you each new day born

If I don’t make it don’t mourn

We have held each other’s eyes

With happiness all our lives


Just journey with me that last time

A reflection of a state of mind

Style / type: 
Free verse
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 


Dear Ian T, reflections,eh? I knew a woman with dementia who used to scream in horror at her mirror image- we had to cover them up because in her heart, she was sixteen. Just sixteen - to the 'hag in the mirror' was a horror to her. I bet you are just as gorgeous as you ever were. Very poignant poem, tugged my heart.

Jenifer Jaspa James

I wouldn't want to be sixteen again, some of my years were wasted and I was already in the RAF and life was a little stressful lol. If only I knew then what I know now wow!
Thanks for your visit, Yours Ian.T

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

author comment

the mirror never lies

to remind of ourselves
what we once were
the latest is this

either incinerate or cremate
if tis burial
let the coffin have only mirrors within
I shall remember
who I once was and still...


Would you like me to send a picture of the portrait in the attic lol
I had it commissioned when I was beautifully 25, but that is another story La La, Thanks for your visit, Yours Ian.T

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

author comment

I really liked this one pardon the pun its very reflective ... In my forties the mirror shows me an older face and I've earnt my wrinkles I don't fear aging more a fear of not growing older

Sadly poignant lovely

Love always Jc xxx

“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” — W.B. Yeats

Thanks for your comment, as I have told my children I will help them with the things they do and I am in NO hurry to start, they just laugh at me and with me.
Take care "Young" lady you have lots to do yet, Thinking of you, Yours Ian.T

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

author comment
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