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Vigilance coarse on palms swift knead
the pressure band
In a strangers land
Waves of heat
In the dust of a slick
Sheen of sweat
beset eyes of shock
and automatic intuition
strap webbing and slippery
magnesium floors
The roar thudding out
surrealisms scene
and the whump
of the

Editing stage: 


The double thump as a mortar hits is its signature of death.
This seems to describe a place in a desert where the pointless presence of any human is really not on.
The futility of man to fight and lose their lives for a stretch of desert that cannot sustain life, how do we stop futility, must everyone there die before reason is born.
Great write I hope I am right with the picture it showed me,
Yours Ian..

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Unconditional love to you all.
"Learn to love yourself first"
Yours as always, Ian.T, Sparrow, and Yenti

It is about futility and how Man carries it on..
Reading up on things....People that test things here
are for running machines that go everywhere..Your
Helicopter times were for a a machine that would
see combat and UN duties!
They test them In heat and cold!

We just got our New Griffon Helios here

They are reactivating Our Precense up north for the old
Defense line against Craft coming in across Our North

Thanks for the Comments!!

author comment

I spent many months in Canada working with the MOD testing Helicopters for their ability to fly in the cold Winter, I spent a great time at Cold Lake in Alberta and the other place I worked was at Ottawa, my face book title picture is of one of our Sea Kings at Ottawa in 1991, she was called the Ice Queen, I love Canada, And have wonderful memories of Ottawa and Toronto part of me still wanders there in yearning, but that's another story lol.
Take care young Wolf the long summer days are upon us, Yours, Ian..

Give critique to help keep Neopoet great.
Unconditional love to you all.
"Learn to love yourself first"
Yours as always, Ian.T, Sparrow, and Yenti

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