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mermaidz and marmalade

the heat forms upon the upper lip
shimmers on the waves
the breast of the beat
sloshing on skin and scales
the damp starfish puckered
in its home
a shadowrealm
of shells and worn sand

in the limbs of trees the cradle
of dreams rock
this heat swirling intoxicating
damp hair and curls
rivulets crawling from the nape
between the strong handsome
blades of gorgeous shoulders
down to the butt crack and
twinkling in its little beaded
journey winking in the breeze
breath hot on warm flesh

bickies from a basket
a mickey of poison
spread out on the crumbs
with a switchblades flick
bitter gin all the better
to give the heart a spin
the noxious scent of
sea and salt
and nightime tide depths
a creature inhalation
notions of grandeur
the red hair as brilliant
as a charming coy
in a stone pond

a picnic while it lasts
spread out along the
wide angle of azure
the magic sleek fleet
turns and twists
like a giddy teen
like a gliding tern

the net is hidden in
the basket
Love is painful
the Bounty High
he was sure he
was watching them
cavort beyond the
his ire mighty
his ego a shield
battered by all the
lost battles
his heart smashed
like the delicate shells
she made
the necklace given

the betrayal he thinks
clutching it at night
while the thunder rages
his lust smashing the
rooftop in its fist of
torrential tumult

in the flashes of light
all he can sense is
her in the arms of another
the bliss for another
not him

he is but a toy
a mere boy
and he knit the net
never sleeping
always weaving
hearing her siren call
haunted and longing
how genuine
and how it hurt even

he wants to believe the
love in her wide eyed
laying across his chest
their legs in the sea
saying nothing
his heart beating fast
the love sickness gripping
the bravery each drink
she is tipsy
the stickiness on their

as dusk nears
he knows its time
to claim what no other
shall have
but he


in the days following
sick with longing
he waits at the edge
the breakwater in its
storm rushes
hoping to be swept
away...meets a familar
face broken too
the eyes tired from weeping
he can see...

hungry and broken..

"have you seen my sister my fellow man?"
"she is all I have since her mother and
father perished...."

but he is distant as the horizon....
"No...I have seen none of whom you speak..
I am sorry I can be of no help nor assistance"

the winds increase and they slip away
beneath the dreadnoughts of the heavens
he can feel the eyes of the angels and
god upon him...the rain like tears
gushing down his soul..
he runs....runs in the wind
the lightening and the storm
and runs
and runs


Editing stage: 


Oh, the pain of love washed away by the tide of indifference! ~ Gee

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

An unusual write from you but it was a beaut story and well written. I enjoyed the pictures it gave, and the feelings there deep inside.
It has been a long time since I wrote for anyone in a pub or café, but here is a very short one I wrote for a red head that looked like an angel in a pub..
A Feeling.
If a mermaid were to break the surface of the sea
Regain her legs and walk with me.
I would think of you.
Most of my other writes are much longer but I hope you can see the feelings as short as this is.
Yours as always,

Give critique to help keep Neopoet great.
Unconditional love to you all.
"Learn to love yourself first"
Yours as always, Ian.T, Sparrow, and Yenti

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