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Kill Switch

The pain is like a kill switch for my brain
It numbs my thoughts and erases the strain
The pain I'm seeking is addictive
The voices inside my head become sedative

The relief of pain is all I desire
It's the only way to keep my demons at bay
I'm stuck in this cycle, a vicious routine
The pain is a coping mechanism; how obscene

My mind is in a state of disarray
The hurt I'm feeling becomes my lullaby
I'm trying to survive and trying to cope
But the pain I seek has become my hope

The voices inside my head slowly fade away
But the pain I'm trying to numb won't go away
My pain is an addiction, a deadly disease
It's the only thing that can make me feel at ease.

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Resonates with me, sometimes the only way to kill the pain is with more pain. It never seems to end. A good, honest write.


to know what happened with the second stanza? Why do the first two lines not rhyme? You did well with all the rest of the stanzas, is there some reasoning behind not having those lines rhyme? ~ Geez.

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This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

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