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Grandma's Kitchen (Boo's Table)

Boo's kitchen was a wondrous place,
Filled with love and plenty of grace.
For though it was humble and small,
It held enough food to feed an army tall.

Boo's table was always full,
Brimming with dishes, oh so colorful.
Recipes written in polish charm,
Passed down from generations with arms.

The aroma of spices filled the air,
As 50's country music blared.
Boo would dance and sway around,
Her kitchen was her sacred ground.

With every dish, love was poured,
From her heart, straight to the core.
Each meal, a Michelin star,
Made with care, always up to par.

In that small kitchen, love was found,
Happiness and warmth always abound.
For in Boo's home, you were safe,
Wrapped in love, like a warm embrace.

Her kitchen was more than just a place,
It was a haven, a sacred space.
Where family and friends would gather,
To share a meal and laugh with each other.

Boo's kitchen was a little piece of heaven,
Where love and food were so intertwined.
In each bite, you could taste the love,
That filled that humble kitchen, from above.

So let the 50's music keep playing,
And the delicious aromas keep swaying.
For in Boo's kitchen, you'll find,
A little taste of polish love, so kind.

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How endearing with warm, wonderful memories! You've touched on all the senses. " could taste the love." What a huge compliment! Boo was/is a gift, for certain! (I'm thinking the word "polish" should be capitalized.) Your gratitude overflows with this.
Thank you!

Boo was my grandmother! Boo is short for babushka which is grandmother in polish. I will be sure to capitalize polish in my poem. Thank you for your kind words, I truly appreciate it!


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