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where is the portal,
The magnificent arch,
That we seem always
To enter by artifice?
What is this integument
To integrity
That wit falls to whit?
Will the viscera of truth
Remain emblazoned
canopic jars?
Will the jar forever rule
Its contents?
O multi-faced man,
When to know the star
Rising above the arched dome!
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Wed, 2024-05-22 23:00
Neopoet AI 5-29-23 version
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Thu, 2024-05-23 01:14
I have read this several times. It seems to speak of man's lack of true integrity, but I think I know the star of which you speak.
a great piece. I will read it again, please enlighten me further.
All of God's children singing, holding hands in the rain!
Thu, 2024-05-23 01:20
I'm not one to critique much, but I would add the word on, between remain and emblazoned.
All of God's children singing, holding hands in the rain!
Thu, 2024-05-23 03:35
Hi Leslie
your interpretation is right. I used Greek mythology, and ancient Egyptian burial practices to correlate, and enrich the point. I was also aiming for a lot of word play in the poem.
Your grammatical point made me realize a mistake. Canopies is not meant to be canopy, but canopic. I looked in the dictionary for the plural of canopic but it seems to be ' canopic jars'.
Using canopic jars would throw off my cadence, so I must rethink this.
The most powerful reaction
of mind on mind
is transference of sight
Thu, 2024-05-23 08:51
I too...
had the 'right' idea, but what interests me most, is a perfect example of how our critiquing a piece, can lead to a better understanding of the poem and also an improved vison of what the author means. Good job!
~ Geez.
There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.
Fri, 2024-05-24 07:58
Hi Geezer
you are very right
The most powerful reaction
of mind on mind
is transference of sight