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...J U P I T E R . . . . . ./

rise mirth day behind the vault of cold
\blow winds of snow kissed tears

I embrace thee
beyond the Dead End signs
and trails where the pavement



I love thee

Editing stage: 


Is this a sigh
At the evening sky
Or have I again missed the point
Hidden deep inside
As clear as mud why do you hide
Getting like Loved lol
Don't tell I said that lol
Yours Ian.T

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

that reference
is becoming a polar point
the seventh pole star
by far distant
without it none can know
the instant


tis no matter
winter is at the door
the sun lies sleeping
summer resting on the floor
and the aches and bones
of battles cast
are my jewel robe furs
of my futures past!!

this poem is special

author comment

two Canadian poets we
you like JUPITER
and I like



You just keep going Loved! always here and about...writing poetry
and commenting...Yes I do like Jupiter.. the summer skies filled
and her smaller attendants hovering...

I have never seen the Black Sea but heard about its shores..
I have travelled enough to meet travellers and been told
by a Travelled person that
I could very much be a traveller
fitting in across the globe...

In my time I have seen the Caribean Sea
and the Moose River that empties
into Hudsons Bay


Must go
Bunni wants on the computer!!
(Bunni my better halve..)

author comment

The beauty of Jupiter and the power of its pull. It cruises the night skies as you have said with its children in attendance.
It is a planet that helps us on our journey through the majesty of space, it collects the debris left from the beginning of time.
I hope you saw it when those pieces hit into its body each of which would have killed us all.
I have a lovely telescope here , but sad to say we have light pollution that makes it near impossible to see much, I would need to go in the car out of the village here to see the beauty I miss.
In Africa it was quite different, it is such a thing to go to both hemispheres and be able to see the stars.
I hope that you have a scope,
Yours Ian.T living here we can't see La La

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

.... e r r o rr


glad you do have

another half
and hope the other half
complements the first

Have a great day
as its week -end
of October today


I didnt see the scope comet image.. I remember sometime in the late
nineties a comet..perhaps two and at least two eclipses One in north
America in the day and at night!...funny because I was climbing a pole
when it occured just across from us practically.. I go past the pole
now and then when Im walking the dogs and remember how it got cold
and the lights came on...Eerie !! amazing really Jupiter is pretty

author comment
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