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J U M P S T A R T E R ...

we are all damp
locked in the rains
of our own doubts

christening of the breaking
as each reaches the sweet spot

energy fire is smouldering in
the dark ovid pupil search
the white halo backlit

each word like a flash
drinking formula
of faith

so daring slumped against
the brickwork
the muse of windows
curtians and flower pots

television angels draped
in dreamy nod

hungry eyes of a cat
a cigarette tip
the coral press
of the daydream lip

we hunt illusions
with ballet bullet
feeling the shatter

our egos scatter
to regroup
like ripples in ruts
like the excitment
sizzling in our guts

Editing stage: 


This needs a few reads to sort our minds out when you have mishy mashed them lol.
To me it sounded like an engine that had been dormant being given a push or injection of life.
Then the view from a window as if a child would yearn release from a room though seemingly feared of what to expect ????? I am so glad you don't write Riddles lol
Need a little nudge on this one, Yours Ian.T

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