Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.

* H.....e.....i.....s.....h *

complex tapestries weave
helix in their coils
dissuading the temporal heart
leaping in ballet fronds

her cascade colic laugh

"Perjury" cries this out
saute hazy drama dream
while dirty feet skips
down stairs with weathered
key scored ballastrade
her legs of flashing ivory
jimmeying key chords

and my heart soars
in her aria's
like the rush of fractions
she swears when she

and throws the phone
across the room
to break the grim ass
kicking gloom...

"just for fucking practise"

and the jets bound roar
like rockets

then the afternoon
stares in the empty
window sockets
florrid and dreary

a moon crawls
up the alley ass
of graffitti gallow

pure as death

and we put the sting
round our love
like rings

you and me
as one

and night kills the


Editing stage: 


for Val.

author comment

inspired indeed

feels almost wrong to single out
any one part from the rest, but your
second stanza is outstanding...the word
choices are exceptionally good

you do more than write paint pictures

love it

love the passion, the pace, the way
thoughts fall down the page, gathering
momentum and intensity

man! this is GOOD
(a bit of a bodice ripper actually...)


"dragged out"
thats me
dragged out by life
and staggering tall still

exciting these tonic days
the heart still ticking
beaten broken but kicking

I have you to thank
when all else were kicking
my gaurd dog pride

you simply led

I can still feel those
like yesterdays winters


author comment

humbled, impressed and intrigued...but then you knew as much...almost has a feel of game on...

Thank you so much,

Poetland..can we still gather in the luxury of the auto and
spendthrift abandon behind the wheel

I have met those whom pose and decry the need to be
free and live LIVE
and then
there are those too busy alive
burning bridges and leaping on their war
consuming passion like
pastries and champagne to do otherwise

I am not a tire kicker of life..
but a careful document taker of moment
through the words heart and interaction
with the few special others that
throw their interjections and harried pursuits
their long burn study of what they cannot
dissuade from their hearty endevours

this is merely a test

there are many who get lauded followed
primped and prodded
(mentally of course)

and Ive met them
loved them
followed them

Neopoet is my great Home
where I come in from roaming
from hunting
from grazing

Thank You so much also


author comment

I do hope that the Val grasps the words then picks up the phone to call you. Loved the write,
Yours Ian.T

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

I have a muse from my darklands
with a voice that can lull the wild winds
and stir the sparks

I am happy
I am haunted

author comment

and in yours lately I don't like your contrived titles. Could be the first case ever of me envying another poet? Not quite. I truly think the titles are contrived, the poetry is no less sublime than I expect.

Tell me true, do you write this well naturally or do the expectations of other poets, .like me, help you to maintain your standards?

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

sorry jess and e, can't help but butt in here...

jess, he writes that well naturally...and better
i've never read someone (on any poetry site) with the
depth of poetic soul that esker has...that esker is.
as a struggling would-be writer who so often doubts, and seriously
questions her "talent", esker is a poet who always inspires me

i deliberately use the term "poet" in relation to him, because
he is one
most here, myself included of course,
and on like sites, are not (imo only)

i hope esker replies to your question
it's a good one


I've known and revered Steven/Orgami/Esker for five years, I regard him as a soul brother. We have had falling outs, arguments but always respect.

If I want to tell him he's an arse, he'll tell me to go wipe it and make poetry from it, which is precisely what he did recently! (actually it included wasps)

I have not yet risen to the challenge of writing as wasp wiped arse poem, but that is my failing.

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

for chats...(not for sex...intelligencia)
everything fails first unless the design is thought through
if you desire to fail
Then design through the fail
around the fail
above the fail

You whom told me of the punk days
heady moments

its not easy up in the spotlight
its a free form of falling
if I had come to Neopoet to be someone
from nothing which was true
then I would have packed it up
long ago... I came to be regarded as
a poet like I tell everyone here who are
with their works

I was regarded as a poet

but that is not the end
or shall it be the beginning

my desire for all is to be able to
wait and be here when that moment
arrives like it did for me here and before
I got here that my writing just opened
up.....Im writing here but Im far far far
into the distance... sometimes when
you are on point in your mission
to get somewhere thats where its at

Im not failing.. I know how to do that
Ive done more then attempt that
and not because my mother or father
or my milk spilt or someone got the
gold star in primary school
cause that sure as hell wasnt me

but I wanted and willed myself to write
through all odds..
I have been on a road minus forty
in a nineteen fifty five camel pea jacket
english navy one thirty NO traffic and
a trucker stopped and fed me for stories
and his tales and dropped me off at
my reserve road....I thought I was going
to be dead and accepted this when that
angel appeared... I know that something
arrives...and I know that nothing arrives
but expecting either is not being alive
does that make sense

pluggin in the computer
and poising the fingers over the keys
and creating no matter how hard it is
brought me here

this kind of writing did not happen
It arrived!!!!!!!!!!

author comment

what's acsii?

the normal way i'd guess...put you tongue between your lips and BLURT!


is sometimes to stone the teacher.. but not the teachings..
those live on in oral traditions

everyone is free to ridicule my work through opinion... those that wish
to denigrate my personal self are putting up their own personality for
all to see here....and that my friends is called society and reality...
and That is the sign at the door here that keeps a MEMBERS only
idealism from unsurping a community of creativity

Strong arm the will of socieity through audience Not hulk about the
theatre snarling at the other poets From what I see they are busy
crafting they are producing volume

I know those that throw stones they want for me to do likewise
in their manner as to show that therefore Neopoet is just a feral
business that poetry must be the hard labour and not love

But I say it is a Love whom under oppression did not rise up
and be strong from under that yoke Poetry is in a sad state
right now..The very outside social view is that its not worth purchasing
that it is stale The poets whom are my heros bore down on each
other to create a voice that would ring out above the throngs of the
tired and ill... that would enliven and aleviate the aches that wounded
wandered in their ghostly keep

I shall continue to urge and comment and note
and to write so Neopoet can have its library for the newcomers
for the browsers whom are poor and cannot be locked outside
the MEMBERS ONLY houses of creativity
As if creativity were something of self make...
If it were..why would any of us apply our works here so freely

this NEOPOET is a spring of which I drink the sweet waters
of the muse. delve into the deep for compelling works
and share what works we can improve

P you are my Poet! My opinion!

thank you

author comment

i'm going to message you what
i think about this

poetry is passion

we poets are banging words
we are making poems like bread
for the hungry

who wants to hear wind and thunder

people are stiving against that all over
but they are hungry

we can feed them
with words..compell their minds to come
alive with imagination
they will come to Neopoet
not for the smoke and thunder
but for the taste of that which
they may never have known
they ached for....

author comment

Hey P... You inspire me!!! hows that!! more then just a teaser
your the real a new one...cant help but think of Laby now
and you way over there...lets get it up! and keep this going...
no sense of aging just keep on a changin!

Poetically all Yours!! Esker

author comment

Im not sure what little game you infer sir..

but aside this..I am happy that the quality of these ribs
in our arena of envy is one that is now a level that I enjoy

Everyone here is the audience... I am the audience first
when I look at my work before anyone else..

maybe there just is a natural setting of standards
whom knows..Poetry is possible
just like the eventuality of Everything


author comment

which you contribute to and I tend to be antagonistic to.
Where you support a dialogue of peers I support an antagonism of attribution.
The fact that we don't hate each other proves something.

You know, I've just had a minor epiphany. Where I have "preached" to poets that once they post their work it no longer belongs to them, I have been hypocritical by not engaging in the poetical dialogue that you and loved have engaged in.

I might be smart, but I can be slow.

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

i wouldn't say you've "preached" it jess
it's up to whoever reading your words to take them on board or not

you have always stated it without apology, and i agree
with that statement 100%


you called me 'sir' for fucks sake, what's that about?
No, it's a not all games, but we have been playful.
I'm sorry if I've offended you.
My serious comment was I think your recent titles are pretentious, ok?

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

the play or game
or of this I know not what

is over

I am tired of this

I need to write
I shall make more
of that which
moves thee



author comment

have you done a Vulcan mind meld with loved?

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.