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H e l l...... ( The ache grows in rains..the garden weeps)

Docile clammy gown
I am the sad man clown
drawn down
these darkened cloak scenes
the shaded eye
with curved lash entice

the water tap chome ignites
with the pallour of the light
the pale hand has taken
the need
from cabinet lair

tumbles a clip for the hair
bright and shiny
cosmetic soft the jewel
colour call

it dances in the grasp
the porcelain world
dulled and sullied

saffron eclipse from
the window pawns
the tender glove that
mesmerizes velvet

Inside the whirl of hell
for all the visions
lies one cannot tell

the black bird waits
dripping tears from

the mirror hesitates
these dazzle eyes
trimmed in opaque
dreamer escape

a dark coat catchs
rain like breath
dew of thoughts

and her soul is

Editing stage: 


Do you really get insights

of poeticity
when deep within
you search for empathy
leave trails behind
and lovers have no sympathy
then your inner voice resounds
words with volatility
your authenticity of poetic lure
caresses hearts
all the more


ride with a limp
and to hesitate for the taste of want
is detrimental for weak flaunt

Tis true loved the old lovers are not
steeped in the lore of sympathy
but poetic practise instead

all the trails like halls like mirrors
I listen to the voices haunt the
shadow beneath the brilliant
glamour of the lights

the lure is a hunger borne
that gnaws and keeps company
at the door

Thank You for centering on the truths
believable of what reflection I try to be
on Neo here...

Mr Wolf

author comment

had puter issues Posted twice !

author comment

all the trails like halls like mirrors
I listen to the voices haunt the
shadow beneath the brilliant
glamour of the lights


being dazzled by poety is amazing
then meeting poets was the ultimate
and then meeting poets who write
wax and wan poetically is the cream
of interaction

Thank You Loved

author comment

"the black bird waits
dripping tears from


On first reading:-
Your visions flit past the windows of our eyes
like those of modern TV shows for the young,
we are inundated with flickering symbols,
they impress on our brains and become mixed,
life, death, combs and eyelashes,
surreal mirrors,
sudden saffron lights dancing.

Not completely convinced
that this is the right title here.

I winced
as I trod on my
dead wife's comb.

(freely translated from a haiku somewhere, it is the strongest one of all I think.)

Nordic cloud.

"The image of yourself which you see in a mirror Is dead,
but the reflection of the moon on water, lives." Kenzan.

"Saffon" light came from making tea in a clear mug long long ago
and how at dusk or in storm skies there comes a break often
when the ray of light finds our setting in a glow..Sunsets brief
angle is often that rare moment in all the day when things are
golden and electric with light!!

The movies of old and then teen years and adulthood spent
idle and alone....The art movies from the Library entrance too
on my little DVD player and television set up on a dresser
Foreign made and with subtitles of a different land Different
faces and scenes..But all rich with humanities meaning in
directors and screenwriters symbolism and touch

I know of many female freinds who write of their gardening
the soil their happiness as they ponder their lives putting in
life...In rains of spring or fall when wandering the house with
ghosts It was always the gardens I was drawn too Too
troubled to walk the streets and the old gardens either draped
with all the wet slinking winter or the new rains soaked me
I felt like a clown.. a scarecrow as the water dripped down
shedding drops like liquid crows diving down to waken the
sleeping bulbs of birth with their call!

where was I when all that preparing was going on but
elsewhere too much a harried soul to share in the ritual
never time to admire the work but come spring when
the moodiness of weather drew down my vision from
the clouds beautiful dreams are not the sustenance
of the soul ..but the toil of togetheness is

I always loved the hall of mirrors thinking of how this is
mans ego at most...We look back in memory for some
sacred precious peice to only see our own ghost
looking back for attention and we cannot shove
that away safely behind the glass And the true
face of meaning of memory evades too like a mist

she smiles and sadly slips away behind his back

wait wait he cries

but the mirror is silent and hung with only his own
image aged and empty for her sunshine that shone
like safron warmth from the cold storm that clung to
him dearly his one flickering hope through time
behind his wall where only black crows nodded
watching him in his garden pace going round and

I love your Haiku Ann

thank Y ou

author comment

In the woods Im always looking for signs
old and new The eyes taking everything in
Like when Im on the bike too
routes fences look outs
just the way I t hink
the way I was groomed
the people whom know life
as more then just the courtesy
of protocol

I am very satisfied that you like my
poetry A man that knows paths
and routes

this is a great comment for me

Thank You Lonnie
Your freind Esker!

author comment

I already feel the need to comment and I have not yet gotten past the first two lines.
the title is a poem, could stand alone, the weeping garden, a thing of fairytales.
Docile clammy gown
I am the sad man clown
melancholy, joy itself drowning in ache-filled raindrops.
the porcelain world
like the world of a nightmare, not ugly and harsh
but a dangerous beauty beckoning
in the shadows...

"dangerous beauty beckoning.."


author comment

came back for the sad man clown.
stuck in my head this line
and the beauty of the rest lingered
like a memory stored away, to be taken out now
for the dreary autumn chill and
my melancholic mood.

fractures of trash in the skin of the new walls
while outside the cold rains of October fall
taking with them the decorum of the hills
in vibrant brilliance..Now the numeric chance
of their soft velvet undertones landing
up or the shiny gloss that catchs sun
The ground swell of such odds
is soft

reducing cardboard and tossing out
old favourites once for new room for
new favourites now

like poetry speaking

I remember this poem well
the spring locked winter

and reality

"no your not writing Get off.. You got work to do
.." Lori upstairs in the kitchen moving items
to hang up on the wall
discard put away.. The daschund Max has found
a new stuffy to tear apart quietly

always busy this business of life
and art

Must run

"Find my air freshener" I stuck it in an outlet

away away!!!

author comment

is poetic art
read and be done with
live in fantasy
dreams while mobiking through forestry
try not to look back
the darkened shadows will follow
and ere you know
thou shall well i give up now..
may be get swallowed .


That to wander the Earth
without touching the things
that are around you,
but absorbing all the feelings they hold
from their birth.
Drip, Drip, Drip of water
to feed the yet to be flowers,
long before you are clear of Winters grip.
Walk the hallways that show you
what you want to see,
where the mirrors could be hung back to front ,
you would still see an image,
an image that you think is you .
these mirrors are imperfect
they as I said show you what you want to see
not what you are.
One day you will walk into a room
and there before you will be the mirror of life,
the image of life will be there,
yes it will be you shed of pre thought ideas
of your own self,
but always remember that I will say
that the reflection will be too bright
for you to look upon
Because you will be pure in your thoughts
On that day if it can be called a day
You will see You

Yours Ian.T

PS:- a complex reply to this piece but you will see it clearly..

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

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