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gnarlin' garland

springs frozen in like the dogshit fields
bikes with forks jutting up
and bent tires
shopping carts in creeks bridge view
iced up

but the sun is beautiful
everythings an exotic scene
even the dead fox
with picked eyes
the raven sits waiting
for me to pass
slipping on the ice
between the rails
dress shoes
should I fall and hit
my head...
he can have mine
for a meal
its four twenty
the five thirty freight
will trundle by
all dusted and dirty
spewing its hot
tainted effort of

tour of town
saw her waiting for
the bus
thompson the hustler
lived nearby
stood chatting
'u look cold'
took my brown scarf
off..she held her hair
leaned forward
jutting her neck out
carefully wound it
gentle about
she flipped her hair
back leaned back
getting cozy in its
warmth from my
body....I adjusted
the ends..tucked
them beneath the
stylish green jacket
with its faux furry
'u look frozen..ur lips
are blue...'
she was gorgeous
an ice queen
The bus growled through
the lights and I waved her

the wind blew tin cans
and plastic bottles into
traffic...a four by four
ran over one and it went
off like a bomb
I jumped and some pedestrains


the pigeons on the wires cooed
shitting on the sidewalk

i was off to the library
they had a new audio
visual staffer
some north euro looking
lass....tall and stately
carefully picked out
the most raunchiest
horror vids...but she
smiled the whole time

picked up a few minutes
sipping hot coffee
in the uppidty Twiggs
burning my lip on
the coffee

i was frozen by the
time i got home
nips hurting chaffed
my legs bruised
from falling

an hour in the shower
revitalized the aches
surivived the traffic
and the breaks..


Editing stage: 


plop plop fizz fizz

dark and windy...stars out...
traffic mild..pedestrians
dry sidewalks in places
snowbanks still
saw two deer
took dog out later
for a walk...
cold on the bare hands
other then that very beautiful
time of year

never been to your land
I think Crazy Kat cartoonist
captured its magic essence

thank U.....and yes...
the addition of said
words takes off that

Thank U Snowbells!

Mr Wolf!

author comment

if chilled I need the hot
arthritis runs somewhere
back in our family
I remember seeing the
hands of the hard working frost leavened
roadway and tree roots
of a blasted land
the hobbled not hobbit walk
of afflictions

somewhere i read that
hot wax dip worked for
the sufferers

and I keep moving even if
i dont want too...
i shut down for five years once
took me ten to get back to
a half assed state of mobility
a wounded soul lets in the
cold to warp the beams
let loose the seams
so live in memories and
dreams awake the boilers
easing steam

just made that up

was cold up here...
next will be more...
on and off...
and the rains...
and then spring
and then blackflies
and mosquitoes
and horrid heat..
love every minute
of it..

over and out
roger that

author comment
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