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ginger out the glass
and fill the kettle with its craft
steam and mix
science class

let cool chill
taste bud thrill!

Editing stage: 


most of my poems are indeed nonsensical

this is about J e l l o making that fruit snack you put in the fridge out of crystal packets
we were crazy about it back in the day and my parents always sang that song
about the Poor chinese baby and jello

"Ginger out the glass" we have the glass bowls that can take heat
cant remember the name of them Something with an ex at the end
anyway in a small effecient housing apartment they are stacked up
there with plastic bowls on em and they are all we have

Kettle with its craft Water boiling is magical I think
and the higher up you go the harder it is to cook Ive been told
Only been high once driving in the mountians
Not driving high but transversing or whatever

Kettle does sound like Moonshine though
I think its wonderful to know how to do this
its an art I read many books and met some real
american drivers in my day visiting Ontario
White Oak burns well and does not leave smoke
for when one is distilling in the spring fed caverns
of the mountians of North east America and not
to use car radiators for distillers as this kills
more then just the flavour of the brew

science class how jello forms up is beyond
me Thats some kind of science

and the chill of the fridge
I dont know how that works either but it does
but Jello sure does taste real good

I never made my own beer or wine but again
thats an art!

Thank You for your stopping by Lonnie!!

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