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beaudleine spleen
in the tiny icy box the amber
shes got her gossamer
wings open
slid off the leather
still damp with the weather

huddle at the heater
the iron cast feeder
while the candles flicker
we gave love our notice

the pony legs and sex
the little kits
that make our souls

Daddi needs his fix
of his little Bella
she ran out in the
to meet her fella
now shes in from the
cold hardwired and bold
in the tin bottle ba ba
that she likes to drink
pour in the Gibsons
while we crank up the rounds
on her mixed song sisters
and the brothers they have

the lighting is low tender on
our eyes
cause our pupils dilated
we try and try and try
to find the perfect nirvana
like the last trip to Havana
still smoking Hollywoods
remembering the cabana's

cat print underthings
prowl amongst the underlings
barricade the door
while we try it all
and rush to the
more more more

snowflakes falling
past the tall window
we never thought
we'd made it
to christmas
cause we live life a blast

bruises and bumps
bandaids and humps
we consume Love like
burn it off like cheap

and cruise past the limits
the checkerboard ending
the rules were all made
for fools
to be bending

music beats from the
electronic stores
we can feel the rush
but we both know
were sleepers

and I kiss her nose
precious kind
and beseeching
six foot to five
shes my princess
who cares about the
its the soul thats inside
and the character
that lends and
is leaning

we crash together
like the foaming surf
giving it all
like we claiming
eachs turf

smashing like a storm
the cold to the hot
feeling the show
cause its all we


Editing stage: 


I like this a lot! Still your style, but with more! No strict rhythm here. The hard accents of the rhyming words give this a mostly smooth feel. I suggest that you turn [ they have ] to [ they've ]. makes it a bit smoother line. Maybe [ made ] was supposed to be [ make]? How about [our] turf, instead of [each] turf? ~ Gee

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This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

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