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the lights of an ocean
as dark as a coal seam
in the times of dreams
she wakes me
and in age
and meds
its hard to tell
where the edge
has went
like a tide rolling out
and rising in
I swim in this exquisite
elemental time
tortured by the feelings
inside that
sway through this
sunken maze like
schools of fish
Gemstone moments
and realized with
the minds delicate
and brutal locks
the beautiful birds
all claw and beak
singing their hoarse
voice too shriek
my reflection on the
surface wavers
and beneath that
depth the clarity
favors slipped in
like a ship too port
battled and weary
rusted and bleary
the Albatross busy
in the sway as I work
the visions and
craft my way
their song
the songs of mermaids
fill the chambers
of echoes
breaking me open
on the rocks of their
this ballast heart
to play its part
had shed the salted
tears of muses
and tarts
I clutch the rail
the sheets
the wheel
steeling my will
but in the end
I fail
the weakness
like exhaustion
guiding soaked
in this downpour
but not hiding
I could never say
all were the one
one voyage too
the start of
the undone

I roam awake
I wander asleep
in the dreams
they come
sooth and speak
balsam and teak
ivory and iron


Last few words: 
for the muses...whom are very real in this old cats crazy life...
Editing stage: 


A lovely write and the wanderings of the mind sharpened from visions seen, mixed with reality, yet real as in that world everything is possible..

Just two small things:-

has went (Has receded) NO WENTS lol
like a ship too port (Just the normal TO in this line)

Take care have a great holiday, if you need ask, If you want then you already have..
Yours as always Ian..

Give critique to help keep Neopoet great.
Unconditional love to you all.
"Learn to love yourself first"
Yours as always, Ian.T, Sparrow, and Yenti

wend went was with
"he has went to the store"
for some reason it seems right
even though I know its not....
I keep getting the too..and to mixed up
I know that too means also
or inclusive....
Im like baroque and adamant
often I just get these ideas
and go off on tangents
my poor woman
she corrects me
out I go come back in a day week
few hours and say to her
"your right"
listening was not one of my greatest
getting better
at it slowly..

spent years alone or left to my own
devices and then just lived with people
my room like my poetry was blank
everything clunks about in the head
my head so they would just arrive
decorate my room...add curtians
fancy sheets...
I have and had no posters
no sayings...books...notepads
real ones...junk...trinkets
sketchbooks when I sketched
typewriter and radio a must

my one gf they were wealthy
a piano in her room
cedar lined closet
she was super bright
and tough and sensitive

where I lived with other women
and I chose the women because
it was some regards
and drive me bonkers in others
they would just slowly invade my
room....i was always the runner
take them for meals at least
once or treats in summer
the dynamics were so far out
there me....

ah the kids call it sketchy today
and the old line Tweaker
i just hammer the keys on the
motherboard cranking this stuff
out..nothing ever written down
fading in and out like a radio set

but as I wrote the muses were
very real....they very much loved
me....better then being a true noob

but equally they could walk into
parts of my mind...which unlike
my life was off limits
for all my mind picking
they were not allowed to pick mine
a funny thing that

on another site which is more
catered to the old human give and go
i have my collection of cyber muses
I found it hard to connect on an emotional
level....for everything that I wanted to feel
should be spontaneous and for me
it has too go through all this protocol
and parked junk..floating wrecks
Hmmm I like ruins...
they liked me like that
and came the few and left their mark
I called em gunslinga's
the tidy alphas
some people collected books or records
i just collected people
like charm bracelet
charms the once physical objects
one collects
in my case the story the intel of the exchange for love over
logic...that was the charm I liked
about all of that

author comment

at the volume of your work and the space it fills, both in mind and reality. Would that I were so prolific in either or both! I used to be perturbed by your lapses in grammar, [such as the to and too]
but as I have perused your work over time, have learned to disregard them in favor of just enjoying the work. Thank you for the trips! ~ Your friend, ~ Gee

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

thats as far as it got for high school
im not that bright
I just wanted to be poet like so badly
still in awe of the great ones
these paws bang away
I keep making the same errors
regardless of trying to catch them this age I
think its as good as it gets

the voyage
why the true people who
actually work hard and make
money and take risks to
travel say I would fit in
as a traveller
and I sat with so many
enjoying story of their homeland
an incredible time actually
people whom I judged and thought
were out there turned out to be
even more then the people they
flat out said they were
but the fact that I was there meant
I was close too them regardless of
how it may have turned

well have to be prolific and clean house
now.....already been organized and got
dinners supplies for a gathering morrow
smoke break and coffee break first
taking time out to write or try
only way I do this and Im hammering
as fast as I can go
on this thing
thank U

author comment

Loved it, have a nice Christmas. Regards Roscoe....

Roscoe Llane,

Religion will rip your faith off, and return
for the mask of disbelief that's left.

her sis is regional manager of large cell chain..brilliant
father of young man brilliant too..different type of alpha
his half sis good with dog....their dog got run over...both didnt stop...the hard north....where I grew up
they run U over...Dog eat Dog..Dingo and Mutts...
not just sheppies!!...happy xmas thoughts...always
like this...Jesuses birthday...we got gifts....
Hes good with my dog is guard dog...
my dog frightens me if she wakes up Dont recognize
me and braces warning the couch
around the couch and up the three stair steps to the
landing in a growling..
my hair stood up on my head....
I remember days working bars and coffee shops
U saw people that made your skin crawl
or the library....
or in passing...
a world without laws

I dont see half what the real see
but I feel it
I can sit and feel it in watching
at the mall

I just sit and listen to music
be the cleaner at work..the
runner here for the brilliant

Love was never easy even though
It came too me
leaning on my shoulder
whispering in my ear
on cold moonlight nights


beyond the haunted
I meet them
I write them
carry their little charms they
purchased for me

dream of them...

upstairs they smoke
ordinary for they
not often..
but Im transported to
1975 the summer of...
the television already
shown the news of vietnam
and the quiet night
a moon behind the tall
glacial moon across
the lake
the few lights on
and fires....

knowing the returning boys
and men we met
in full uniform
the rich expensive cars
I parked in our drive
..the drinks and music
on the stereos..
dancing with my aunts
getting beers...making
I was twelve...
the steaks on the fire
curled up in blankets
listening to the laughter
the eight track in the windows

happy far out times...

author comment
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