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Ex Nihilo-- edit


Out of nowhere I “became”
One of many
Many in one.
I am my name
the quintessential identity
In human history
matrix of a million years
and more.
The world lives in my seed
I am DNA
Atoms crashing into being.
I follow two
Then four
Ad infinitum.

Editing stage: 


Thanks. And I will make those cnanges

author comment

A very creative write. I hope we haven't reached infinity yet, but man does seem slow to evolve to a better level.
Is that because we can see our reflection now and know that it is us,
Yours Ian.T

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

It's all a matter of DNA, Ian.:)

author comment

We see all from our own perspective, its puzzling indeed.

I was dwelling on the thought of us seeing each other, as holograms, and the fact that we do not see what we see, our brain sees, the eyes mere instruments for the brain. I felt that we were constellations of matter, its all very exciting and at the same time very strange.

Nothing is coloured, only our brains read things as colours, no wonder we sometimes argue about those different colours, my sister and I never agreeing on turquoise being green or blue.

Its all a wonder. Now the ends of the DNA strings can be stopped from ageing too, wow, man and his dabbling in the working of things learns so much, but if we all live for ever, what would we do with the growth in population?

Well I have not passed my DNA o to anyone, so I shall just disappear quietly, Amen.

"The image of yourself which you see in a mirror Is dead,
but the reflection of the moon on water, lives." Kenzan.

It's a wonder, my Anní, that we survive ourselves and our own humanness If only I had wings to fly....

author comment

Sometimes I feel that I have them, but just as illusively described as matter itself.

"The image of yourself which you see in a mirror Is dead,
but the reflection of the moon on water, lives." Kenzan.

We do have them, Anni.

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