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find the vein
puncture test tube gathering
of jettisoned ruby brilliance
collapsed life
like recycled boxed
lost and tossed

the busy emerge
stretches dusk

Ive stepped beyond
checkerboard existance
tasted Lah Lah Landz
innoculated with righteous
turn me loose
hauling chrome I.V. pole
signed waiver to smoke
in the failing sunlight
quiet with the other
denizens of work and
occupation from Forensics

if I pass out with sweating
brow and trembling legs
Im in the right place

keep moving
one foot another
back to the ward
back to the garage
of souls repair
this pit stop survived

and before long
battered by the self
and ego and madness
I continue


Editing stage: 


remind me of the those lines; "back to the garage
of soul's repair
this pit stop survived"
The simile seems apt. Our bodies are nothing more than "meat machines" and hospitals are garages that fix the machines. The mind however, is much harder to diagnose and it's often a very long, tedious process to set it right, sometimes the right additive [medicine] will make the symptoms disappear, sometimes just masking the problem. Kind of like the old days of adding sawdust to a rear-end to muffle the noise that it was making. I liked this one just for the accurate feeling of the hospital. ~ Gee.

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This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

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