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like syllables
that slip
into eyelets stop
pull up my socks
the old mans
lost in the storm
within ideals leaning
on the railing
fingers grip
feel the words
falling like snowflakes
echos hits
the gritty and
the grey of my
parade of ruin
hardened heart
in its shells of
its shrapnel

and still
the flowers
dead in their
once fresh
and full
like sunlights
gentle kiss

night sleeping
stretches wake
a long haul
of thoughts

Love was like
stars the feeble
light and I
too unstable
for a share
always craving
to fight

round and black
like the marble
its been my plight


Editing stage: 


Beautiful words, Regards Roscoe...

Roscoe Llane,

Religion will rip your faith off, and return
for the mask of disbelief that's left.

writing with no glasses...
listeing to nic cave.
cant see nothing

say I can post new poems
but holding off

taking a break

I Love yer writing
will come back to comment
more then just write

found a new site

might stay here..
will see!

Over and out!

author comment

The title didn't do this piece credit.
Here you have written a thing of beauty, and seems to be outside of your normal writes.
It is as if you have fallen in love with someone or something, as your thoughts drifted along.
Loved it!
Are you having a change in the way you write??
Great to read you in any mood but this one was a little different,
Take care young Wolf it is not spring yet!
Yours as always, Ian..
PS:- the full moon is on Sunday 16th so maybe there is another reason (Smiling away)

Give critique to help keep Neopoet great.
Unconditional love to you all.
"Learn to love yourself first"
Yours as always, Ian.T, Sparrow, and Yenti

snowflakes were falling
cold was starting to keep everyone in more
darkness of winter more reflection
the drop is like snowflakes
binary thoughts
the dot breaks...a wall..
a reef..

Like love
a hitch...a decimal
marking moments
large and small
but what is love
the tiny and the might

i trust not much
and love even
but not others
they dive in
before the big
I remember their
eyes now
their gestures
the smiles
they held my eye
I see it all clearly
now before the
years up
so Yah..this is
a happy poem

a woman friend of mine
just told me the other
day I think a lot about
and that for a man
to a woman thats a
good thing

just sometimes I miss
the flow of the ordinary
but thats okay
because years later
the remembered
facts of a moment
come back too me
Haunt me in a way
but its a good ghost

thank U!

author comment
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