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Arctic winds seized
the Dakotas
with no warning
and the northern trees
froze in mid breathing.
snow lay heavy
crashing in silent thuds
from roofs and mountain sides.
suddenly the earth
seemed to die
and Nature spoke its desolation

Editing stage: 


Reminds me of the poems I wrote after & during my trip to the North Dakota badlands. You really had to be there, to see it, feel it, know it through your entire body of awareness.

Your poem touched that.


Thanks, You mean it's worse than Cleveland? lol


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hahaha. LOL. Well..... that's debatable.

The badlands is gorgeous, like an other world, all joking aside.

Love ya.

~A & B

A Grand write of desolation that sometimes hits the lands in the States,
Have seen many films on those places and they are beautiful in their starkness--
In my dictionary, "Gorgeous"-- is--A beautiful canyon..
Take care young man, the journey no matter how hard is still beautiful,
Yours with my thoughts, for you to have a gentle peace,
Yours Ian.T

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

Nature is often the reflection of our own "mystery."

Thanks, Ian


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