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Bible Bible

in a pew
singing hymns
the oil paint
and green lawn
wood warmth
the crowded din
Everything then
was a Sin
no boys kissing
boys...nor girls
loving girls
God had a plan
for them!!
war was bad
but David slew
the man of a
woman he wanted
God's favorite King
turbulent town
the sinning went
no lightening bolt
from Heaven
we would have
lost half the citizens

I wanted robes in summer
and sandals
the brush chaffed my skin
and the sneakers stank

Saturday during rains
we sat inside reading
crime magazines
and books
black photos of corpses
the Bible spoke of
horror in battle
and man..but only
beautific paintings

surely one beheading
or a sinner torn apart
by dogs would be okay

instead we had television
the war in asia
I waited for the jets too
fly overhead
every prop plane I eyed
for the canister of jellied

like the locusts
and Gods wrath
there would be
no escape


Editing stage: 


Just admiration
love judy

'Each for the joy of the working, and each, in his separate star,
shall draw the Thing as he sees It, for the God of Things as They are.'
(Rudyard Kipling)

This I love. Jx

Remember we are a workshop site.
Don't forget to offer critique on poems you read.

he is modern..published around two oh one..
abstract style
but its raw and real
just got me thinking

a glimpse of my childhood
along with all the sensational
and sensory input of all
that...we had comics
stan lee and all the characters
casper...wendy...richie rich.
disney...the light was there
beautiful summer
the small store nearby
sunny hot days and the lake
and raining week long
durations..we went out in
it anyway...
always had bicycles
and the town gossip
and work stories from
dads railroad chums
and moms work at
the hospital
She was a nurses
assistant and in
those days they
worked hard
dad too and we
had tons of cars
and gatherings
super busy place
card games..
bar b que meals
soda tins that you
had to use a punch
and stubbie beers
and mixed drinks

we were not closed
too the world
we read much
and spent time in
the city visiting
our wealthy aunts
uncles and cousins

pizza nights and
novel cable telly
a pool..more bikes
Gippy Joe's
and the usual
gang of characters
U grow up with

thank U!

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