Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.

Bathos Imperical

sit night
in evening gown
your flame of crowns
draws cocks to crow
as fledgling dawn

Editing stage: 


but never have called you a hack
and you never will be.

This title seems to be set me back on my heels by being particularly apropos

the poem...

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

this poem is easy..
this poem can sell
this site is FREE

I understand the membership
concept well
I have worked a wide variety
of jobs..three of which were
around retail..Selling woodstoves
in a wealthy area of wild beauty
to poor people and rich people

helping a Real Estate Broker girlfreind
sell real estate..she was small
we were bumpkins but historically
we sold properties we managed
for a time rentals and worked on
investments.. tad bit more then knocking
heads about I say or running people
off..I was too busy helping them move
out or in and being diplomatic
cutting the lawns etc

Bingo Hall for awhile too
who has tried to do this>
selling the paper cards making
change collecting the garbage
always on the move circling
like a shark or collie dog or
friendly dealer

the Tag idea here is also to move
these poems out into the search
tags like labels on clothing
you like the design the look the feel
of the clothes and in the classic
feild of textiles of which New York
shall always reign I feel and Montreal
it is not the outer branding of the look
that I like although thats wonderful
for todays kids and all
but the Labels sewn attatched
that meant something
that meant qaulity

not cheapness

Poetry other then freeform has its destinct
look its thread count so to speak with
its workings of which I know nothing other
then the intuition

and then again
like a good yard sale its a great thing to
search and find some treasure without
having it stacked along the wall

but if you were running a store
and trying to sell memberships
and a site as a viable value
whats going to be appealling
to a public audience
that is still new
still moving at an incredible pace
and very much young and hip

but I understand that by going
Label less
still allows us to make poetry
here in the Neopoet shop

Premium Membership here
is like getting a great pair of shearing
scissors for material

a stitching machine with options
that allows you to create
move others works in on yours
for showing them additions to
their works to sell the cut of
the cloth make it daring
or pull it back
the classics of course are wonderful
I own a french cuff from Britchs
and I have cufflinks for it
thats premium
a style a venue
that allows swift movement

something to obtain dream for
but its not isolating
poetry still has to be handled
by all premium or otherwise
its a tool that makes it easier
acess...more fluid creation
and INTERCHANGE with others

I think its excellent

this place

nut not prurient
Because I think poetry

that is all

author comment

perhaps you don't understand my fear?
That when the hands come out of the pockets empty THERE WILL BE NO NEOPOET.
That's all
it scares the shit out of me.
There will be other sites, but no Neopoet,
so how can we make the site self-sustainable without the dreaded results you envisage?
Suggestions, please.

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

chapbook style pockets with printed poem portions
pen holders and e machine pockets
Neopoet Label

its endless marketing...moving it is another
making it intoxicating
Making Poetry sexy..

slim and voluptous


author comment

with that wonderful Rushdie quote on them (I've got one), but they have... disappeared.
Beau suggested the idea of chapbooks.
It kind of seems we need a marketing manager.

I'm really sorry I called you dumb Steven, and sorry that we argued.

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

its journey must one day be envisioned
the poetry the poems the cargo
the manifest

how do we keep the integrity of its hull
the site as a Principle
do you know that this is the fear of culture
right now in indigenous peoples as interest
is lost
I know how you feel about poetry being lost
diluted like the aussie croc holes in the

water like equity is simple

the host and or hardrive and servers
the issue of legality and rights of
intelligence rights

and lease agreements

I see where you say the support
of this can be carried by neopoets

I liked the shirt ideas awhile ago
I like the idea that is free and that
you donate your poetry free for

and that no work is published
per say for profit

I dont want to imagine the legalities
of this..right now thats still getting
hammered out by the major holders

the ads you hate are the evils of life
the premium incentive is to eliminate
there are many ways of ripple effect
or pass it on approach to membership
introduction which I believe in

this is such an amazing place in its
the other places are the most discoed
out glamour goth haunts

I dont know what it is about this place
that just gets to me
..the basic basic premise of simple
is best.. and yet its very complex
all of this together to look simple

I have enough nerd friends telling
me about servers and dashboards
and hardrive capabilities

I would be very crushed just like before
if the hard mechanics of this place
fell..but only by falling can you know
who is going to get up with you
and sit back down and put their heart
and soul into this place
because they Love this place
They Believe in this place
and they Trust in the ownership
of this place

when the systems are falling apart
from that emperical greed
and maybe time and talent are
money then this place is a pretty
rich field of wealth
because it focuses on a raw
kind of development and
that was bright in the hearts and
eyes of those people who were
sitting around in cafes or university
dorms digging through their old
notebooks bored and found what
it was a love that would take
them to places and beyond
and tie them with a kiss
a kick a sight a sound

a thunderstorm is brewing out
side right now
incredibly large

thunderheads like culiflower
beds and whips of lightening
like the fan from a fountian
stir dreams in tossing heads
in the rows of rain wished beds

see this is NEOPOET today
I dont want this to go away either

its a great time to be alive
and here

author comment

yet I still ask anyone who can to contribute what they can.

Neopoet is a thing of great and ephemeral beauty, but it could sink.

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

from when I remember
without imploring their wealth or poverty
or endangering the gravity of economic
life for those that may not find what they
can to assist Neopoet

and yet all the more great
when a gift or a contribuition is made
or shared here

we all agree for this!!

author comment

imperical was observation

I see the funny lark

in this one night should be resting
not awake with a crown of candles
like a false sun

an ironic fun

but the title was meant to relate
exaclty to the body of the poem
which it does here

Thank You Lonnie
and we do have early nights way up
here when we tilt away from the sun
and I lived on a farm with chickens
and a rooster..and geese!! for one

author comment
(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.