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avuncular stringent

down along the motorcar
the fender is wretched
petrol bright is strolling
the glass like innocent
eyes scattered
greasy with rain

flame emollient growing
with interest

Through the pallid slender
trees the river churns steadfast
and slow

sluggish taste of blood upon
the swollen lip
and a jaunty burning in the
right hip

stand like twins
the shadows stretching
the wind receiving
dark reception

oval eyed and wide
as the night

while the rabbits
foot singed
is consumed

Editing stage: 


Description of a accident RTA even to the poor rabbit who was involved in the collision

swinging from the dashboard in the gleam of lamps
glow..the jewel red green and amber....the gearbox
shifter...the windscreen....

and what of the youth retrieving the father
the uncle....
a motorcar sped along
the canal
the rain falling
the pub noisy and smoke filled

the wool jacket hastily thrown on
the school emblem
a barette

the corner overtaken too
the powerplant too vigorous
the tyres loose contact
and the world from over
the bonnet spins.....

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