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Editing - rough draft


The color green has become rare
now that leaves have fallen down.
Among the hardwoods cold and bare
all is stark from root to crown.

On this late November day
even the sky has lost its blue
due to clouds heavy and gray
brought last eve when north winds blew.

The once gay colored autumn leaves
now are dunn and at my feet
barely disturbed by frigid breeze.
Land has forgotten summer's heat.

Same old story

Rewritten over and over the same old story,
why does pain always come before glory?
I can't see my heads all cloudy and my mouths all stuffy.

Planning it piece by piece,
breaking down slowly, but im savoring the sweet,
completly misunderstood by all means please,
leave me lonely disease over powering,
problems? probably,
lost in my dreams,
one member standing, they all left the team,
you can pretend to befriend me, but the lies I already see,
so im no longer recommending my bitter words of plea.

Yule tide!

<a href="">A Wreath of Christmas Poems by Albert M. Hayes, James Laughlin, José Erasto</a>



When in dilemma, seek counsel
From your peers, my friend
You hear them say all sorts of things
I will not agree, if I were you
No one tries that with me
Real pepper, is what I will show
In return, you pull down the roof
And drag naked fire to light the sea


there is only paper now
words are now unloved
but be brave ghost of my fingers
and sing your songs of her skin
into the cartoon morning
in all the clown colors of wanting you
melting on that unwritten page.

Love Battle

I'm going crazy
Not because I'm lazy
As some would think
With their timid blink

I find no solace in this place
Of mental waste
Tap dancing around hot fuses
Searching for certain muses

I shall wander around in dark places
Forever wasteful
Dwindling opportunities to be grateful
I find myself in danger

Losing myself
In twenty years of wealth
Knowing what I want, who I am
All lost in a love battle

Universal Sex Inspired By Barbara

'' I gave you my heart, you threw me a bone
A bare bone, lacking flavor’’’ Poet Barbara …

Yeah ,Yeah ,Yeah
Just excellent ,
it inspires and fires.

The human race,
Is normally compared to
Dogs and rats…
Behaviorally ,
these two kinds abound.

There is no life,
Which is not surrounded by sex…
Artists, including painters and poets,
Cum off their very best,
When in their bare

Hope you have seen
The Titanic explore,
The manifestations
of human minds galore


it was the night the music raptured inside my eyes
turned to powder, covered my walls and then the
chairs and tables. the room was shining.

the mask comes off sometimes and then a face appears
from nowhere,
he is weeping,
he is bleeding,
his heart in disarray,

he looks a little like Jesus, a bit like you,
the cosmic God throws audacity into the fire
in it, hope must be reborn,

To soon then to be ours..

To soon then to be ours…

I listened to the roused robin awhile his song reminded me of youthful games
played, days dark weather delayed, As we sped along streets that had become
someone’s memories, then to be ours.

But not one day passes that I’ll forget, a lazy arm on a friends shoulder. Or the
smile, sometimes a kiss from a pretty girl, tempting us away from the ball, trying
to play the hero at three and a half feet tall.


I am changing,
throwing away memories and rearranging.

The past becomes faded so Im planning futuristic events,
been thinking about this,
correcting my mistakes you see im trying to make sense,
on how the world works and why the earth spins,
Kind of comparing mistakes to dumb decisions.

I am changing don't watch just listen,
read the words I think I figured out that they are gifted,
pause for a minute......
sparks light the dark and now the inspirations kickin.


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